Sénanque, une abbaye en péril

408 %
81,571€ Pledged out of 20,000€
Don contre don
868 Donations from 23 countries
Due to an imminent peril, the Church of the Sénanque Abbey was closed in an emergency. Structural disorders are threatening the building: this dramatic situation worries specialists who fear the loss of this almost thousand-year-old abbey church.


Anatole Rouarch
over 5 years ago
C'est un joyau du patrimoine qu'il faut sauver !!
Anne Bouix
over 5 years ago
Un petit geste mais les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières
Corinne Pliszka
over 5 years ago
Un petit coup de pouce pour remettre en état ce joyaux de notre patrimoine.
Alexis Gordien
over 5 years ago
C'est peu, mais les petits ruisseaux...
Eric Mr Ou Bednarski
over 5 years ago
Pour l'amour de Dieu et la propagation de la foi. Le monde a tant besoin de la prière des moines .
over 5 years ago
Je souhaite du fond du coeur que les travaux seront entrepris rapidement afin que chaque visiteur puisse contempler la beauté du lieu et recevoir la grâce de Dieu.
over 5 years ago
Ce n'est pas grand-chose mais les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières
Virgile Botkovitz
over 5 years ago
Un petit geste qui, j'espère, va contribuer à sauver ce lieu. Il devient primordiale de sauver notre patrimoine !
20170822 123545edited
Cristiano Galli
over 5 years ago
J'ai visité l'Abbaye il y a trois ans et je l'ai aimée beaucoup
Marie Piquet
over 5 years ago
Quelle découverte enthousiasmante que votre projet ! Je suis ravie par cette belle initiative et j'espère qu'elle fera à long terme vivre notre patrimoine. Il est en tout cas fort stimulant de participer à la restauration de l'abbaye de Sénanque qui participe de notre paysage provençal !


Pledge €30 or more
Or 10.2€ after tax deduction
133 donations
An essential oil with Senanque lavender
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
237 donations
An essential oil with Senanque lavender and lavender soap
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ 1 Senanque lavender soap

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
224 donations
Essential oil, Senanque lavender soap, visit for 2
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ 1 Senanque lavender soap

+ Visit for 2

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
19 donations
Essential oil, Senanque lavender soap, visit for 2, numbered magnet
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ 1 Senanque lavender soap

+ Visit for 2

+ numbered magnet with history

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
8 donations
Invitation to the patrons' cocktail
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ 1 Senanque lavender soap

+ Historical numbered magnet (not the tile)

+ visit for 2

+ invitation to the patron's cocktail party

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge without a reward
247 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing