Devenez châtelain-farmer du Château de Vibrac

655 %
654,801€ Pledged out of 100,000€
Don + Invest.
7334 Donations from 96 countries
For the 3rd year in a row, you can purchase a share of an endangered castle. Set on a unique terroir and fertile soil, this restoration project will revive both the estate's stone and its earth.


Judith Sudholt
over 4 years ago
For Mohammad Reza Razavi
Jean-Jacques Vassal
over 4 years ago
Un grand rêve d'enfant petitement réalisé !
over 4 years ago
Une pierre à l'édifice....
Img 20191129 183501 428
Victorien Lemariey
over 4 years ago
Les petits ruisseaux forment les grandes rivières.
Sergio García Beato
over 4 years ago
Demostremos que el ser humano es extraordinario, que juntos podemos conseguir grandes cosas. Hagamos de nuestro castillo el mejor del mundo. Porque creer y crear están a tan sólo una letra de distancia.
Marie Paule Berger
over 4 years ago
Une dernière participation, cela en fera 4 : une pour mon papa, une pour ma maman, une en cadeau et une pour moi.
Christine Lauwers
over 4 years ago
pour montrer aux enfants qu'ensemble on a plus de chance de réussir un projet
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Maryse Desplanches
over 4 years ago
Parce que chaque pierre et chaque acre de terre sauvé, c'est un peu de notre vie et de notre mémoire.
over 4 years ago
Super Initiative en espérant que 100% des dons aillent bien dans la restauration des batiments !
Marjory Blaes
over 4 years ago
Pour notre patrimoine français


Pledge €50 or more
2834 donations
I am adopting Vibrac Castle + 1 plot of land
I become the owner of 1 share (or more depending on the amount of the donation (i.e : €100 = 2 shares)) of the company owning the castle.

+ Every co-owner will be granted a free pass for life.

+ Every co-owner will have 1 plot (or more depending on the amount of the donation (i.e : €100 = 2 plots)) bearing their name.

NB : Every donor will have the opportunity to become a shareholder and therefore a co-owner of the fortified castle. Becoming a shareholder will require a symbolic payment of 1€ per share, which will be asked at the end of the campaign and once the SAS is created.
Pledge €60 or more
3485 donations
Receive the box "Ma part du Château" + 1 plot of land

I become the owner of a share (or more depending on the amount of the donation (i.e : €120 = 2 boxes)) of the company owning the castle.

+ Every co-owner will be granted a free pass for life.

+ Every co-owner will have 1 plot (or more depending on the amount of the donation) bearing their name or the name of the person they have gifted it to.
After the first earthworks have started, each will be granted an opportunity to choose the format of the name appearing on the sign : either a first-name & last-name format (e.g. Charles D'Artagnan) or a more discreet first-name and initial format (e.g. Charles D.).

NB : If you want to purchase more than one box, simply click on the + before making your payment.

NB : should you wish to pay by bank wire (all countries) or check (only for French bank accounts), please add the shipping fees (11€ for 1 box, 13€ for 2 boxes, 15€ for 3 boxes, 17€ for 4 boxes)​.

To verify your delivery amount, click on the "box" reward, and then on the "+" up until you obtain the desired number of boxes.

NB : Every donor will have the opportunity to become a shareholder and therefore a co-owner of the fortified castle. Becoming a shareholder will require a symbolic payment of 1€ per share, which will be asked at the end of the campaign and once the SAS is created.

Shipping informations: the boxes will be sent by Colissimo. . You will get a tracking number at that time.
Pledge without a reward
15 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing

All Gone!

Pledge €60 or more
1000 donations (0 left)
EARLYBIRD Receive the box "Ma part du Château" + 2 plots of land (only 1,000 thousands available)

I become the owner of 1 share (or more depending on the amount of the donation (i.e : €120 = 2 boxes)) of the company owning the castle.

+ Every co-owner will be granted a free pass for life.

+ Every co-owner will have 2 plots (or more depending on the amount of the donation (i.e : €120 = 4 lots)) bearing their name or the name of the person they have gifted it to.
After the first earthworks have started, each will be granted an opportunity to choose the format of the name appearing on the sign : either a first-name & last-name format (e.g. Charles D'Artagnan) or a more discreet first-name and initial format (e.g. Charles D.).

NB : If you want to purchase more than one box, simply click on the + before making your payment.

NB : should you wish to pay by bank wire (all countries) or check (only for French bank accounts), please add the shipping fees (11€ for 1 box, 13€ for 2 boxes, 15€ for 3 boxes, 17€ for 4 boxes)​.

To verify your delivery amount, click on the "box" reward, and then on the "+" up until you obtain the desired number of boxes.

NB : Every donor will have the opportunity to become a shareholder and therefore a co-owner of the fortified castle. Becoming a shareholder will require a symbolic payment of 1€ per share, which will be asked at the end of the campaign and once the SAS is created.

Shipping informations: the boxes will be sent by Colissimo. You will get a tracking number at that time.