Et si on adoptait la Mothe Chandeniers

323 %
1,615,244€ Pledged out of 500,000€
Don + Invest.
18543 Donations from 104 countries
Let's buy all together one of the most romantic castle : la Mothe-Chandeniers
La Mothe-Chandeniers


Miroslav Maxant
about 7 years ago
Hello, I speak a bit english or italian or czech language. If you need to contact me I prefer an e-mail. Thank you. Miroslav Maxant
Matyas Orsak
about 7 years ago
Hello, please, i speak english or czech. If you want to contact me I prefer an e-mail ([email protected]). Thank you. Matyas Orsak
Michal Dopita
about 7 years ago
State : Czcech republic
about 7 years ago
Bravo pour ce concept innovant pour entretenir le patrimoine et encore plus pour créer les conditions des nouveaux projets créatifs dans un lieu magnifique, historique et symbolique !
Musconi Davide
about 7 years ago
I am really pleased to help you in saving that historical monument.
Img 20170913 221028 320
Bruno Landri
about 7 years ago
Vive les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 😉.
Ronald Welz
about 7 years ago
A cumuler sur mon précédent don de 50€. donc 200€ au total.
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Jacqueline Dubois
about 7 years ago
Un geste pour célébrer le patrimoine local en cette journée nationale. Jacqueline dubois
Michel Jacob
about 7 years ago
Belle initiative
Manon Badard
about 7 years ago
Je serai ravie de posséder une brique de ce château pour, si possible, en faire quelque chose de chouette ! J'ai plein d'idées et je suis jeune. J'espère pouvoir aider au maximum en étant néanmoins loin !


Pledge €50 or more
7948 donations
I am adopting la Mothe-Chandeniers
and I become the owner of a share of the company owning the castle, or more depending on the amount of the donation (i.e : €100 = 2 shares)

NB : €1 extra by share will be asked to you at the end of the campaign during the constitution of the statute. This sum will be requested when the company is created in February 2018.
Pledge €60 or more
9812 donations
The box "Ma part du Château"

To receive it BEFORE Christmas : SOLD OUT !

To receive it AFTER Christmas:


Receive the box "Ma part du Château", by specifying your personal address and not that of the person to whom you offer it.

This box is magic ...

It contains the château de la Mothe-Chandeniers co-ownership access.

A membership card with a unique number.

And a customizable document if you want to offer it.

Welcome to club Dartagnans x Adopte un château.

+ previous reward

NB: if you want to take more, just change the amount involved by clicking on the "+" (i.e. : montant engagé). For example : 120€ for 2 boxes, etc.

NB : €1 extra by box will be asked to you at the end of the campaign during the constitution of the statute. This sum will be requested when the company is created in February 2018.
Pledge without a reward
783 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing