Sauvons le château qui a vu naître la Normandie !

203 %
10,171€ Pledged out of 5,000€
Don contre don
137 Donations from 6 countries
After protecting the Norman frontier for almost 1000 years, this castle nearly disapeared. Today, this fortress needs your help to become a glorious sentry once again!
Château sur Epte
Tax reduction


Olivier Varlet
over 5 years ago
Bon courage !
Frederic Mace
over 5 years ago
Chloé Herzhaft
over 5 years ago
Votre travail est juste formidable. Vous êtes indispensables et vous faites du bien. Je partage largement et j'espère sincèrement que le soutien financier sera au Rendez-vous. Bravo. Et merci ! Chloé
Sidoine Andre
over 5 years ago
Bon courage à toutes les personnes œuvrant sur ce site ! C'est un beau projet à soutenir. J’espère que vous arriverez à votre but !
Valérie Houtteville
over 5 years ago
Normande d’origine et bien que je ne connaisse pas ce château ni cette partie de la Normandie, il est de notre devoir d’aider à sa reconstruction
Simon Danjou
over 5 years ago
Bravo pour votre initiative et bon courage pour vos travaux !
over 5 years ago
Un projet qui en vaut vraiment le coût, pour sauver notre patrimoine, c'est la moindre des choses que de participer !


Pledge €15 or more
Or 5.1€ after tax deduction
27 donations
I fund : 1 bag of silex for the shoring
To show our gratitude :
- an original drawing of the castle on paper
- a public thanks on social media

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €30 or more
Or 10.2€ after tax deduction
23 donations
I fund : 1 bag of 35kg of lime for masonry
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks
+ your name amongst our benefactors on our web site

As a gift :
+ one free pass to visit the castle during the European Heritage Days of 2019

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
47 donations
I fund : 2 tons of sand for masonry
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks

As a gift :
= previous gift
+ you'll receive a museum quality replica of sterling silver coin as it was minted by the vikings in the 10th century

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €75 or more
Or 25.5€ after tax deduction
4 donations
I fund : tools for 1 volunteer
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks

As a gift :
= previous gift
+ one free pass to visit the castle during the European Heritage Days of 2019
+ one private invitation to visit the castle volunteer work camp this summer
+ a nice bottle of locally brewd beer and a medieval glass will be given to you at the end of your visit

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
16 donations
I fund : safety gear for 1 volunteer
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks

As a gift :
= you are invited to the privately held benefactors medieval banquet
+ a nice bottle of locally brewd honey and spices flavoured medieval wine will be serve to you during the banquet

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €200 or more
Or 68€ after tax deduction
9 donations
I fund : 1 meter of castle wall repairs
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks

As a gift :
= invitation to the medieval banquet (as above)
+ a nice calligraphy set or, if you prefer, a bottle of locally brewd honey and spices flavoured medieval wine and an elaborated medieval glass will be given to you at the end of your visit

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €300 or more
Or 102€ after tax deduction
2 donations
I fund : 4 beams to help secure the gate tower
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks
+ a personalised original drawing of the castle on paper to your name

As a gift :
= invitation to the medieval banquet (as above)
+ a very original wax seal set inside a small romantic stone box OR, if you prefer, a bottle of premium brewd honey and spices flavoured medieval wine and two medieval glasses will be given to you at the end of your visit

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
2 donations
I fun : 10 square meters of rock screen roof to protect our volunteers
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks

As a gift :
= invitation to the medieval banquet (as above)
+ a bottle of mead (traditionnal fermented honey alcohol) with its handmade leather pint glass OR, if you prefer, a wonderful leather notebook wiht its feather pen will be given to you at the end of your visit

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 340€ after tax deduction
0 donation
I fund : 30 square meters of scaffold
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks

As a gift :
= invitation to the medieval banquet for 2 (as above)
= enjoy a unique VIP experience : come live one day as a medieval person in costum during a traditional celebration
= an object made especially for you : you can choose between a traditionnal handmade scarf using medieval technics or the replica of a medieval knife handmade by a swordsmith

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge €2,000 or more
Or 680€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Very generous contribution
To show our gratitude :
= previous thanks

As a gift :
= invitation to the medieval banquet for 2 (as above)
= a unique VIP experience (as above)
= an handcrafted object made especially for you
+ your name will forever be part of the castle : written on a piece of parchment, it will be scealed in a lead coffer inside the medieval walls of the gate tower during the renovation work.

The tax deduction is only applicable if you pay your taxes in France.
Pledge without a reward
7 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing