Batissons les ateliers des Compagnons du Devoir

101 %
20,183€ Pledged out of 20,000€
Don contre don
150 Donations from 6 countries
Equip the new workshops of the Compagnons du Devoir de Bordeaux: It is to enable each young person to achieve personal fulfilment and to integrate professionally through the learning of a trade Share this project

Equipping the new workshops of Les Compagnons du Devoir in Bordeaux will make it possible for young people to grow personally and will help their professional insertion through a vocational training.


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Who are we ?

For more than nine centuries, Les Compagnons du Devoir have been providing high quality training for young people in a variety of manual trades. Our training offers both traditional apprenticeships and higher level skills training. Trainees move between workplaces all over France and also abroad, learning a trade but also about themselves, through experience of different people and cultures.

Employers working with Les Compagnons du Devoir have an opportunity to employ skilled and reliable trainees, with varying levels of expertise. Our young people bring energy, flexibility and a cross cultural perspective. Les Compagnons du Devoir also provide bespoke in-house training packages for existing employees.

We are a national vocational training provider, established according to the French Association Act of 1901 and recognised as a public benefit organisation.

> High quality work-linked training

> Experience through travel

> Community life

Some key figures :

  • 5500 apprentices in training
  • 3 500 young professionals improving their skills on the Tour de France, 500 of them abroad
  • 31 trades
  • 58 Houses in France


In a constantly changing environment, we would like to provide equipment to ensure the best possible training and promote youth work integration.

A range of high quality equipment using modern and updated technologies will develop cutting edge practical projects in a safe environment.   

Our first stage is 20 000 euros. We will be able to purchase the following professional equipment.

- A dimensioning saw

- A bandsaw

- A spindle moulding machine

If this objective is achieved : - Second stage: 50 000 € to finance professional equipment for zinc roofers - Third stage : 75 000 € to finance professional equipment for stonemasons.


How to support this project ?

You can support this project :

  • By making a donation using your credit card on this web page after signing up through the internet site Dartagnans.  
  • By bank transfer after signing up through the internet site Dartagnans

They support us : 

Many thanks to all our donors ! Keep on following us !

Thank you all who support our work for youth.

Many thanks to the members of the sponsorship committee. As volunteers, thanks to their commitment, their ideas and their support, they contribute to the success of our project.

 - Mahammed ABIDE

 - Mireille BRACQ


 - Emmanuel CHEVALIER

 - Nathalie DELATTRE



 - Frédéric GARIN,

 - Alain IVIGLIA

 - Catherine LAGORCE

 - Jacques LAPORTE

They talk about us :

Thanks to you all who will take part in this project. Your help is valuable !

 Contact : Renaud DE LIMA  Responsable projet

Email: [email protected]



Page Facebook


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
10 donations
Junior Donor 1

Acknowledgement on social networks
Pledge €30 or more
Or 10.2€ after tax deduction
32 donations
Junior Donor 2
Paperweight "Compagnon du Devoir"

+ Name on the donor wall

+ previous consideration
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
31 donations
Junior Donor 3
Invitation to the inauguration of the Regional Headquarters

+ previous counterparties
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
34 donations
Meals and private tour of the Companions' house for 1 person

+ you are invited to the laying of the first stone.

+ previous counterparties
Pledge €150 or more
Or 51€ after tax deduction
10 donations
Donor +
Business initiation 1/2 day for 1 person

+ previous counterparties

Pledge €200 or more
Or 68€ after tax deduction
8 donations
Donor ++
Meals and private visit of the Companions' house for 2 people

+ you are invited to the laying of the first stone.

+ previous counterparties
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Senior Donor
Initiation 1/2 day

+ Meals and private visit of the Companions' house for 1 person

+ previous counterparties
Pledge €300 or more
Or 102€ after tax deduction
4 donations
Benefactor Donor 1
Business initiation 1/2 day for 2 people

+ Name on donor walls
+ Acknowledgement on social networks: (Facebook and Linkedin in the regions).
+ "Compagnon du Devoir" paperweight
+ Invitation to the inauguration of the Regional Headquarters
+ Meals and private visit of the Companions' house for 1 person
+ you are invited to the laying of the first stone.
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
7 donations
Benefactor Donor 2
Business initiation 1/2 day for 2 people

+ Meals and private visit of the Companions' house for 2 people

+ Name on donor walls
+ Acknowledgement on social networks: (Facebook and Linkedin in the regions).
+ "Compagnon du Devoir" paperweight
+ Invitation to the inauguration of the Regional Headquarters
+ you are invited to the laying of the first stone.
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
2 donations
Donor Benefactor 3
Business initiation 1 day for 2 people

+ Meals and private visit of the Companions' house for 2 people + VIP gift made by a young person

+ Name on donor walls
+ Acknowledgement on social networks (Facebook and Linkedin in the regions).
+ "Compagnon du Devoir" paperweight
+ Invitation to the inauguration of the Regional Headquarters
+ you are invited to the laying of the first stone.
Pledge €1,500 or more
Or 510€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Benefactor Company Pack 1
1 day of training/business initiation for 6 people

+ publication of your name in our newsletter.

Pledge €3,000 or more
Or 1020€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Benefactor Company Pack 2
1 day of training/business initiation for 12 people for your company

+publication of your name in our newsletter.

+ Name on donor walls
+ Acknowledgement on social networks (Facebook and Linkedin in the regions).
+ "Compagnon du Devoir" clipboard
+ Invitation to the inauguration of the Regional Headquarters
+ Meals and private visit of the Companions' house for 1 person
+ you are invited to the laying of the first stone.
Pledge €10,000 or more
Or 3400€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Benefactor Company Pack 3
Privatization of the place over one day.

+ Plaque in the workshops with the names of the benefactor companies.

+ communication of your donation on our newsletter + with the national network of Compagnons du Devoir.

+ Name on the walls of the donors.
+ Acknowledgement on social networks (Facebook and Linkedin in the regions).
+ Paperweight "Compagnon du Devoir".
+ Invitation to the inauguration of the Regional Headquarters.
+ Meals and private visit of the Companions' house for 1 person.
+ you are invited to the laying of the first stone.
Pledge without a reward
10 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing