Château de Pagax : état d'urgence

122 %
12,160€ Pledged out of 10,000€
Don contre don
179 Donations from 13 countries
Danger Alert: Part of the "tower of the stairs" collapsed Friday, March 8, 2019. The state of emergency is decreed ... Help us and participate in its reconstruction ..

The Demeure Historique supports the Château de Pagax (member of the Association "Les Demeures Historiques") and joins its restoration project

Castle Pagax

The "Château de Pagax" is located at the crossroads of two regions (Occitanie and Auvergne Rhône-Alpes) and three departments (Aveyron, Lot and Cantal). It is part of the former province of Rouergue and the Quercy border nearby.

It has a dominant position on the heights of Flagnac (place called Pagax), a town located at the exit of the Gorges du Lot, on the edge of this majestic river. Important fortress of the Middle Ages, it becomes castle in 1259, residence of a noble Royal official to fix the authority of the King of France in this region.

Placed on this dominant point, it controlled all the surrounding valleys as well as the very busy path of the Conques Abbey in Figeac.


"Pagax", pronounced "pagasse" (from the Latin Pagus, fiscal, payment) well indicates this role of control, passage required and paid. In the Renaissance, the castle will be transformed again. Several families of important lords will succeed there until the French Revolution.

The castle is listed in the supplementary inventory of historical monuments since 1978.



Project presentation: Why this project?

It is above all a kid's dream; who did not play being a kid to knights or princesses? From there, one day comes the desire to participate in an adventure out of the ordinary, the work of a lifetime or more: to acquire and save a castle.

The TV show of the 70s "masterpieces in danger" must be for something.

Starting from the principle that, when we want, we can, everything gets very fast behind. Discovery of Pagax Castle put on sale by its former owners and the first second of the first visit, certainty that it will be this one. A love at first sight for the castle, its environment, its mysteries and its legends.

A stroke of madness without thinking (it is better), and an enthusiastic welcome from the inhabitants of the village and the surrounding area that motivate us all the more.

What actions have already been taken?

The castle and its outbuildings were turned into a farm in the middle of the 20th century. Many small ancillary buildings have been added for this operation, these being built of concrete and corrugated sheets. The castle itself was overgrown with lush and abundant vegetation that partially concealed it.



The first works focused on the cleaning of all this vegetation and the destruction of all these buildings, real warts on buildings.

These first works took several years, and today, the castle and its outbuildings are well highlighted, as well as in light every night of the year.

In parallel, several events are organized regularly on the site, to make known or rediscover this castle so long forgotten.

Flea markets, "open door" days (quite easy to organize) on the occasion of Heritage Days, free visit during the summer, conference, reception and supplies during the passage of a trail running. ..etc.

So many events that allow many tourists and locals to discover the beauty of the site, the architecture of the castle, its history and its anecdotes. All this on a voluntary and free basis.

Since summer 2018, an association "the friends of the castle of Pagax" has been created. Its mission is to organize upcoming cultural events, participate in various works to improve public reception and raise funds to participate in the restoration project of the castle.


Click on the photo to enlarge



Click on the photo to enlarge


What is the urgency?

On Friday, March 8, 2019, part of this tower collapsed ...

Following our first crowdfunding campaign with Dartagnans and the Demeure Historique, thanks to you, we raised € 10,229. This sum, added to other financing allowed us to obtain a budget of 35 000 € allocated to the work of setting security of this tower of the staircase. The first work on the Pagax Castle for more than a century was to begin this month of May.

Unfortunately, the tower did not wait for us ... today the works are much more expensive than expected to rehabilitate it.

These first works scheduled for May will begin well. It will be to secure the rest of the tower at first, then begin rebuilding it on a sound basis. The budget is exploding and is in the process of being quantified, but nothing is impossible given the breadth of the messages of support received since March 8th.


What will the collection be used for?

The purpose of this campaign is to finance the security and restoration of the cylindrical tower called "the staircase", a major element of the castle Pagax.

Objective pursued and expected results:                      

The goal is to restore the entire staircase and consolidate the tower.

The lintels and jambs of the windows will be deposited and glued or replaced.

Backdrops will be completed or returned completely.

A new roof will help to perpetuate the whole.

This, of course, in collaboration and with the agreement of historical monuments.

Phase 1 : masonry:

bearing 1: crane installation                                    12 000€TTC         already funded  

- bearing 2: scaffolding installation  (+9000€)            21 000€TTC         already funded

- bearing 3: clearance (+7000€)                                 28 000€TTC         already funded

- bearing 4: stone masonry (+18000€)                        46 000€TTC         

- bearing 5 : chaining summit tower (+3000€)            49 000€TTC

- bearing 6: staircase (+23000€)                                 72 000€TTC

- bearing 7: windows (+20000€)                                 92 000€TTC

- bearing 8: corbeaux (+7000€)                                  99 000€TTC

Phase 2 : frame and cover

- bearing  9: installation and framework (+33000€)  132 000€TTC

- bearing10: cladding machicoulis (+23000€)            155 000€TTC

- bearing11: hangs cover (+3800€)                            158 800€TTC

- bearing12: cover and lifting (+15200€)                   174 000€TTC

This estimate of 174 000 € for the restoration of the tower was made before 8 March 2019 and the collapse of it. To date, we have not yet the last quote adjusted with this last event, but it should be significantly higher ...

For this new campaign, we have chosen levels of € 10,000. As soon as the first € 10,000 will be reached, we will go to tier 2 of € 10,000 as well and so on.

Who are we ?

Simple individuals like you and with dreams in your head. This chance, we knew to seize it in passing, because often, it does not appear twice in a life.

Now, we must assume the responsibility that implies such a commitment. It is not always easy to see the size of the site, but the brief moments of discouragement are quickly forgotten, well surrounded by friends, family and the inhabitants of the village.

We are transmitters of heritage, because a monument like this does not belong to us. It belongs to the French heritage, this region, its inhabitants and their ancestors.

Besides, never have we ever thought of inhabiting the castle; this one must and will have to remain open to the greatest number, either by simple visits, or by organizing various cultural animations. We need all of you...


How to support this project?

  • - by making a donation online by credit card on this page after registration on the Dartagnans website
    - by making a bank transfer after registration on the Dartagnans website
  • - by sending a check, on the back of which you will include your e-mail address, in the following order "La Demeure Historique / Castle of Pagax", sent to the following address: 
  •                                              Dartagnans 
  •                                    Castle Pagax Campaign 
  •                                     1 rue de Châteaudun 
  •                                             75009 PARIS

Benefit from a tax reduction!

The tax reduction only applies to French or foreign donors resident in France for tax purposes.

Your donation is tax-free because it fulfills the general conditions provided for in Articles 200 and 238bis of the French Tax Code.

The parents of the owners up to the 4th degree (first cousin included) will not be able to profit from the tax reduction or the companies which have a capitalistic tie with the owners. The Historical Residence will not publish tax receipts for donations lower than 50 euros.

At the end of the collection you will receive a tax receipt from the Historic Residence which collects donations, and which will directly pay the companies at the end of the work.

- Individuals: 66% of the amount of your donation comes directly in reduction of your income tax, within the limit of 20% of your taxable income.

- Companies: you benefit from a tax reduction on companies, up to 60% of the amount of the donation within the limit of 0.5% of turnover (possibility of postponement over 5 years).

Constraints in return

The granting of grants by patrons obviously imposes certain obligations on private owners of historic monuments, starting with the conservation of their building for at least ten years.

Second requirement: ensure the opening to the public of the parties that have been the subject of the works for the same duration and this, or 50 days per year minimum, including 25 non-working days from September to April inclusive, or 40 days during the months of July, August and September.

Goodies and counterparts

Coffret Marcillac
Coffret terroir
Tota bag
Carte postale
AOC Marcillac
Casquette brodée

Thank you to all our donors!

Patron or sympathizer friends, we thank you very much for participating in this adventure which is the restoration and the revival of the Castle of Pagax.

Thanks to your financial or moral support by sharing this project around you or on social networks, you become part of this extraordinary adventure.

You will thus join the long list of people who contributed to the radiation of the "Château de Pagax" since the Middle Ages. And this for eternity ...

Follow us on social networks:

 You Tube Twitter Instagram


 Our website:

Contact : 

[email protected]


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
44 donations
Acknowledgments on the social networks and the website of the Castle plus a postcard of it.
Your name and first name on the donations panel posted at the castle.

The Demeure Historique will not issue tax receipts for donations of less than 50 euros.
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
67 donations
Grand Ecuyer
Acknowledgments on the social networks and the website of the Castle plus a postcard of it.
Your name and first name on the donations panel posted at the castle.

+ invitation to a group visit at the end of which will be served a reception.

+ a bottle of Marcillac AOC red wine "cuvée tradition" (local millennial vineyard).

+ a tote bag with the colors of the castle
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
42 donations
Acknowledgments on the social networks and the website of the Castle plus a postcard of it.
Your name and first name on the donations panel posted at the castle.

+ invitation to a group visit at the end of which will be served a reception.

+ a box of three Marcillac AOC bottles "traditional cuvée" (local millennial vineyard).

+ a tote bag with the colors of the castle
Pledge €200 or more
Or 68€ after tax deduction
14 donations
Acknowledgments on the social networks and the website of the Castle plus a postcard of it.
Your name and first name on the donations panel posted at the castle.

+ invitation to a private visit (for two people), accompanied by a glass of champagne.

+ a box of three Marcillac AOC bottles "traditional cuvée" (local millennial vineyard).

+ an embroidered cap with the colors of the castle
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
2 donations
Acknowledgments on the social networks and the website of the Castle plus a postcard of it.
Your name and first name on the donations panel posted at the castle.

+ invitation to a private visit (for two people) and a lunch at the castle to discover the local specialties (aligot, truffade, farçou..etc).

+ a terroir basket: a bottle of Marcillac AOC red wine "reserved cuvée", a whole duck foie gras 180g, a 180g Roquefort terrine and a 400g duck gizzard.

+ an embroidered cap with the colors of the castle
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Acknowledgments on the social networks and the website of the Castle plus a postcard of it.
Your name and first name on the donations panel posted at the castle.

+ invitation to a private visit (for two people) and a lunch at the castle to discover the local specialties (aligot, truffade, farçou..etc).

+ 1 night offered in a local guest room (for two people, breakfast included).

+ a terroir basket: a bottle of Marcillac AOC red wine "reserved cuvée", a whole duck foie gras 180g, a 180g Roquefort terrine and a 400g duck gizzard.

+ an embroidered cap with the colors of the castle
Pledge €2,000 or more
Or 680€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Acknowledgments on the social networks and the website of the Castle plus a postcard of it.
Your name and first name on the donations panel posted at the castle.

+ invitation to a private visit (for two people) and a lunch at the castle to discover the local specialties (aligot, truffade, farçou..etc).

+ your surname, first name and quality patron registered on parchment, inserted in a lead tube, all sealed in a castle wall to rebuild.
And this for eternity ...

+ 1 night offered in a local guest room (for two people, breakfast included).

+ a terroir basket: a bottle of Marcillac AOC red wine "reserved cuvée", a whole duck foie gras 180g, a 180g Roquefort terrine and a 400g duck gizzard.

+ a box of three Marcillac AOC bottles "traditional cuvée" (local millennial vineyard).

+ an embroidered cap with the colors of the castle
Pledge €3,000 or more
Or 1020€ after tax deduction
0 donation
La table ronde
Business Pack (up to 20 collaborators)

Culture and Nature Day at Pagax Castle:

Weld your team of employees "outside the walls" of your company by inviting them to spend a fun day at the Château de Pagax.

- 9h00: welcome your team with coffee and pastries
- 9h30: visit of the site and presentation of its history
- 10h30: departure for a walk on the trails around the Castle (duration 1h30)
- 12h30: aperitif and meal at the castle (aligot / sausages)
- 14:00: coffee break and moment debriefing
- 15:00: playful treasure hunt in the castle and its surroundings (duration 1h30)
- 17:00: taste and exchange
- 5.30 pm: end of the day
Pledge €5,000 or more
Or 1700€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Business Pack (up to 50 collaborators)

Culture and Nature Day at Pagax Castle:

Weld your team of employees "outside the walls" of your company by inviting them to spend a fun day at the Château de Pagax.

- 9h00: welcome your team with coffee and pastries
- 9h30: visit of the site and presentation of its history
- 10h30: departure for a walk on the trails around the Castle (duration 1h30)
- 12h30: aperitif and meal at the castle (aligot / sausages)
- 14:00: coffee break and moment debriefing
- 15:00: playful treasure hunt in the castle and its surroundings (duration 1h30)
- 17:00: taste and exchange
- 5.30 pm: end of the day
Pledge without a reward
10 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing