Dessinons le Nouveau Musée Des Tissus

330 %
165,184€ Pledged out of 50,000€
Don contre don
1544 Donations from 25 countries
Let's draw together the new Musée des Tissus et des Arts décoratifs of Lyon


Murièle Morales
almost 7 years ago
Heureuse de participer à ce bel élan de solidarité pour la conservation de notre patrimoine ! Bonne confirmation.
Jean René Langelier
almost 7 years ago
Bravo pour cette initiative que je suis de longue date.Merci
Bernard Fleur
almost 7 years ago
Pour la réussite des projets du musée des tissus
almost 7 years ago
Nous sommes heureux et fiers de participer à l'avenir ambitieux du Musée des tissus, si important pour notre belle ville de Lyon.
Association Rhône-Alpes des conservateurs (ARAC)
almost 7 years ago
L'ARAC en tant qu'association de professionnels de musées s'associe à cet effort collectif pour que le Musée des Tissus et des Arts décoratifs de Lyon poursuive les efforts de tant de générations, de passionnés, de curieux et d'amateurs en mettant à la portée de tous la richesse et la diversité de ses collections.
Carolyn Foreman
almost 7 years ago
Many congratulations for this successful campaign. I admire your determination
almost 7 years ago
Je suis heureuse de l'action volontaire entreprise et serai encore plus heureuse de pouvoir découvrir le résultat ; il me paraît essentiel de sauvegarder un tel patrimoine, de le moderniser, d'en développer le rayonnement, le promouvoir, et que le projet soit un succès jusqu'à l'étape de restauration d'oeuvres.
almost 7 years ago
Je souhaite une longue vie à ce patrimoine inestimable, pour que les générations futures puissent découvrir sa richesse, sa beauté et un savoir-faire millénaire.
almost 7 years ago
Ne jamais abandonner nos objectifs ! rester déterminés ! En mémoire des canuts et de tous ceux qui ont fait vivre cet "art de faire" à Lyon. N'écoutons pas nos élus, ne cachons pas ce patrimoine ...
Philippe Thivent
almost 7 years ago
Dommage que nous ne puissions pas avoir notre chance de rencontrer Stéphane B Je souhaite bonne chance au musée des tissus


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
218 donations
A huge thank you
+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €30 or more
520 donations
1 admission to the museum
+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ 1 luggage tag with a reproduction of the Museum to be collected on site

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €80 or more
Or 27.2€ after tax deduction
206 donations
2 placemats with a reproduction of the museum
2 placemats with a reproduction of the Museum to be collected on site

+ 1 admission to the museum

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €120 or more
Or 40.8€ after tax deduction
335 donations
Contributors reception + Donors wall
+ 1 invitation to the Museum's contributors reception with a guided tour with a speaker and welcome with a glass of champagne (within a group- the dates will be specified later on).

+ 1 luggage tag with a reproduction of the Museum to be collected on site.

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall.

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
55 donations
Étoffe en soie du Musée des Tissus
+ 1 Silk stole made in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to be collected at the museum.

+ 1 admission to the museum

+ 1 luggage tag with a reproduction of the Museum to be collected on site

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
45 donations
Silk stole + invitation to the contributors reception
1 Silk stole made in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to be collected at the museum.

+ 1 invitation to the Museum's contributors reception with a guided tour with a speaker and welcome with a glass of champagne (within a group - the dates will be specified later on)

+ 1 placemat with a reproduction of the Museum to to be collected on site

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 369.7€ after tax deduction
21 donations
Guided tour and lunch for 2
A guided tour for 2 during the day with a speaker followed by a lunch at the restaurant "Thomas" with the speaker (group of 18 people - the dates will be specified later on)

+ 1 Silk stole made in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to be collected at the museum
+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €2,500 or more
Or 850€ after tax deduction
2 donations
Business Pack 1
Guided tour for 19 people with a speaker followed by a cocktail

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €5,000 or more
Or 1700€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Business Pack 2
Guided tour for 19 people with a speaker followed by a dinner at the restaurant "Thomas", near the Museum

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €10,000 or more
Or 3400€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Business Pack 3
Guided tour for 10 people with a speaker followed by a lunch or dinner at the restaurant "La Mère Brazier"

+ 100 museums admissions

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks

Pledge without a reward
140 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing