Fort de la Batterie, un refuge pour tous !

139 %
12,530€ Pledged out of 9,000€
Don contre don
129 Donations from 4 countries
Participez à la rénovation du FORT et permettez à tous d'y trouver un REFUGE pour profiter du PATRIMOINE commun et de la MONTAGNE !

The "Fort de la Batterie"

Located on the northern tip of the Massif des Bauges, at 1440 meters of altitude, the “Fort de la Batterie” was erected on the top of a cliff, above Albertville’s valley. It traduces the military strategy of General Raymond Séré de Rivières, who built several forts through the country after the defeat against Prussians in 1870.

The structure consists of a crenelated enclosure pierced with embrasures for mountain cannons. In the courtyard, an L-shaped building, crenelated on all sides, is organized to house 1 officer, 60 men and 25 artillerymen.

The fort, in 1998

The fort has never undergone any battle, so it has gradually been forgotten. In 1998, the structure was so ruined that it became dangerous for backpackers, and the mayor thought about the entire destruction of the structure. At this moment, the “Pour que vive le Fort de la Batterie” association was created, to save the building.

Our project: restore the fort and transform it into a mountain refuge

Since 1998, volunteers, helped by the city council and nearby companies, have been renovating the fort. Thanks to several tens of thousands of volunteer hours, the fort is now welcoming numerous visitors. Regularly, the association organizes events, to raise money to continue the works, and to make the fort known to people.

Now we want to finish the restoration, to share the heritage of this patrimony.

Our main project: arrange the building to make a mountain refuge, which would be always accessible to backpackers, inhabitants of the area, or any person who wants to discover this heritage.

Our secondary project: bring up the dining room located upstairs to the standards to accommodate groups. At present, only the association’s members can access this space.

Our ideal project: equip all the first floor’s openings with real windows. Indeed, at the moment we have wooden frames with cellophane panes…

How will the money collected be used?

The money collected will be used to set up the mountain refuge, made of a picnic room and a dormitory which can welcome 14 people on the ground floor of the building.

With 9000€ we could isolate the picnic room, add a water point and a wood heating, and bring up to the standards the openings and the dormitory.

With 19 000€ we could, in addition, bring the dining room up to the standards, by installing windows and add an exit issue.

La salle du 1er étage, à mettre aux normes pour l'ouvrir au public

With 27000€ we could finally install real windows on all of the first floor, which could allow us to welcome people in winter too.

Who are we ?

The “Pour que vive le Fort de la Batterie” association is composed of a group of about 15 volunteers, renewed over the years. After 20 years, we still share the same values: conviviality, friendship, sharing, mutual help, solidarity, work and motivation. A new generation of volunteers continues renovating the fort, and organizing events to promote the heritage of this place 

How to support this project?

It’s possible to support our project and to participate:

- By an online donation on

 -By sending a check to the following address:


Projet du Fort de la Batterie

1 rue de Châteaudun 

75009 Paris

Our partners


Alongside the teams of volunteers, many companies and artisans have contributed to the renovation of this site. Without them, the work would have been longer, more complicated. Their generosity allowed the association to make use of materials and services, essentials for the progress of the work.



                                                                                      Travaux de Cornillon                                                               

Contact us !

[email protected]

06 62 32 01 86

Thank you for your generosity, and see you soon to enjoy the result of your donation, in the heart of an exceptional mountain setting that you won’t forgot!


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
5 donations
Bons baisers du Fort
Une carte postale du fort
Pledge €30 or more
Or 10.2€ after tax deduction
21 donations
Trinquons ensemble !
Un Ecocup du fort
+ Contrepartie précédente
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
38 donations
On vous accueille !
Une gravure du fort
+ Contreparties précédentes
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
34 donations
On vous chouchoute !
Une invitation au repas d'inauguration du refuge pour 2 personnes.
+ Contreparties précédentes
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
9 donations
On ne vous lâche plus !
+ la soirée musicale au Fort (pour 2)
+ une nuit dans le refuge (pour 2)
+ le brunch face au Mont-Blanc au réveil (pour 2)
+ Contreparties précédentes
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
2 donations
On ne vous oubliera jamais !
Une entrée gratuite sur toutes les manifestations organisées au Fort pendant 1 an (projections, concerts, nuit des étoiles...)
+ Contreparties précédentes
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 340€ after tax deduction
1 donation
- Accueil au Fort pour une journée de séminaire
- Apéritif dominant la vallée
- Barbecue face au Mont-Blanc (20 personnes max)
- Une randonnée thématique autour du Fort encadrée par un professionnel de la montagne
- Souvenirs : une carte postale du fort pour chaque personne

(Offre accessible aux particuliers pour un évènement !)
Pledge without a reward
19 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing