La chapelle Saint-Jean de l'église Saint-Séverin

145 %
65,278€ Pledged out of 45,000€
Don contre don
223 Donations from 6 countries
Help us restore a jewel of the latin Quarter : the chapel of St. John of the church of St. Séverin needs you !

Located in the heart of the latin Quarter, a few steps from Notre-Dame Cathedral, along the way to Santiago de Compostela, the church of Saint-Séverin stands as a major monument of medieval Paris. Built on the site of a Merovingian sanctuary, Saint-Séverin grew between the 13th and 15th centuries into the jewel of flamboyant Gothic architecture that we admire today.

Nestled in the southern arm of the transept of Saint-Séverin, the chapel of St. John is a veritable masterpiece. Inspired by Italian Renaissance art, the wall paintings are by Hippolyte Flandrin, one of Ingres' most gifted students. This is Flandrin’s first monumental work, executed before his paintings in the church of Saint-Germain des Prés. He chose an oil and wax technique, whose matte rendition looks alike ancient paintings he had seen on archaeological sites in Italy.


Now, 181 years after their creation, the gold-leafed stars in the formerly azure vault are just barely visible. The paintings have never had a thorough restoration since their creation in 1840.

The Last Supper had been praised since its original conception for its purity of line, the economy of means, John's gesture of complete abandon, Judas' suggested absence, the references to its illustrious predecessors Giotto and Raphael, and the overall harmony that emanates from this work, despite the gravity of the subject. These attributes make Flandrin's work a masterpiece of wall painting. Water infiltration caused the wall to deteriorate very quickly. Recreating certain parts of the decoration using preparatory drawings made by the artist is a true challenge for the restorers.

Thanks to an initial sponsorship, work on the chapel of St. John has begun this past summer. The work is being carried out by the City of Paris, owner of the building and project manager. Under the expert supervision of the City of Paris curators and conservation experts, mural painters, stained glass artists, sculptors, masons, floor layers and lighting technicians will work on the project, which is due to be completed by the end of February 2022.

However, this is not the end of the story. We still need to find another €100,000 to cover the three-month fees of the mural painters, stained glass artists, sculptors, masons, floor layers and lighting technicians who have to complete the work. 

500 € corresponds to half a day's work for the restoration team.

15 000 € finances 15 days of work.

We need your help to complete this work and let the Chapel of St. John regain its original splendor! Help us save the chapel, so that it can be restored to its former glory! Thank you for your generosity!



Under the aegis of the Foundation Notre-Dame, the Foundation « Avenir du Patrimoine à Paris » was established in 2014 in order to accelerate the restoration of Paris historical churches and their masterpieces, by relying upon the generosity of donors. In coordination with the City of Paris, it aims, through its financial support, to supplement and therefore develop the resources devoted to these churches. The Foundation "Avenir du Patrimoine à Paris" has a strong local presence in Paris, through its network of volunteers actively safeguarding the heritage of individual districts.



After registering on Dartagnans website, you can make an online donation by credit card on this page.  From 1 000€ , please use a bank transfer after registering on the Dartagnans website.

- for French donors only, you can also send a cheque, with your e-mail address on the back, made out to "Fondation Avenir du Patrimoine - St. Séverin" and sent to the following address

Dartagnans Campaign - Campaign "Chapel of St. John of the church of St. Séverin" -  15 rue de Milan - 75009 PARIS - France.



Under the aegis of the Foundation Notre Dame, recognised as of public utility, the Foundation "Avenir du Patrimoine à Paris" allows you to benefit from the tax advantages provided for French law:

1. - 66% on income tax, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income

2. - 75% on the Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI), up to a limit of 50 000 € per year

3. - For companies, 60% on corporate income tax (IS)

The Foundation is also authorised to receive legacies, donations and life insurance policies without transfer duties.



To follow up the campaign and the progress of the work site, please subscribe to the social networks of the Fondation Avenir du Patrimoine à Paris.

We are at your disposal for any questions.

Contact e-mail: 

Address: 10, rue du Cloître Notre-Dame - 75004 Paris

Phone number : +33 (0)1 78 91 91 16

Crédits : Etienne Castelein - Ville de Paris / COARC / Jean-Marc Moser / Bernard Lodier-CDAS


Pledge €25 or more
Or 8.5€ after tax deduction
22 donations
Pour 25 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
42 donations
Pour 50 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
50 donations
Pour 100 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
- A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ Invitation at a conference on St. Séverin heritage with an art historian
Pledge €150 or more
Or 51€ after tax deduction
4 donations (46 left)
🎄 Calendrier de l'avent 🎄
Magazine « Vingt ans de restauration du patrimoine culturel de Paris » chez Beaux-Arts Editions (offert par la Ville de Paris).
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
18 donations
Pour 250 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
- A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ Visit of St. Séverin, in small committee, with an art historian and the project stakeholders
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
24 donations
Pour 500 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
- A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ Magazine « Vingt ans de restauration du patrimoine cultuel de Paris » from Beaux-Arts Editions (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ Private and exclusive visit of St. Séverin, by candlelight, with an art historian and the project stakeholders
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
6 donations
Pour 999 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
- A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ The chapel visit followed by a diner invitation, at Saint-Séverin, with the project stakeholders

+ The art book "Saint-Séverin, une église, une paroisse" (Editions Lacurne)
Pledge without a reward
57 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing