La chapelle Saint-Jean de l'église Saint-Séverin

145 %
65,278€ Pledged out of 45,000€
Don contre don
223 Donations from 6 countries
Help us restore a jewel of the latin Quarter : the chapel of St. John of the church of St. Séverin needs you !


Agnès Fromont
over 2 years ago
200 €
Emmanuel Jaulin
over 2 years ago
300 €
Sybille Pansu Etcheverry
over 2 years ago
100 €
Olivier Meyer
over 2 years ago
250 €
Marie-Louise Fanchon
over 2 years ago
200 €
Raphaelle Mathey Brezet
over 2 years ago
1000 €
Caroline Brun
over 2 years ago
500 €
Loris Ternynck
over 2 years ago
Marie-Pascale Bordeau
almost 3 years ago
100 €
Stéphane Paccoud
almost 3 years ago


Pledge €25 or more
Or 8.5€ after tax deduction
22 donations
Pour 25 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
42 donations
Pour 50 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
50 donations
Pour 100 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
- A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ Invitation at a conference on St. Séverin heritage with an art historian
Pledge €150 or more
Or 51€ after tax deduction
4 donations (46 left)
🎄 Calendrier de l'avent 🎄
Magazine « Vingt ans de restauration du patrimoine culturel de Paris » chez Beaux-Arts Editions (offert par la Ville de Paris).
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
18 donations
Pour 250 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
- A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ Visit of St. Séverin, in small committee, with an art historian and the project stakeholders
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
24 donations
Pour 500 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
- A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ Magazine « Vingt ans de restauration du patrimoine cultuel de Paris » from Beaux-Arts Editions (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ Private and exclusive visit of St. Séverin, by candlelight, with an art historian and the project stakeholders
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
6 donations
Pour 999 € ou plus
- A great thank you !
- Your name or the name of your choice let in the restored chapel
- A postcard of a restored detail of the chapel of St. John (Offered by the City of Paris)
- A personnalised notebook (Offered by the City of Paris)

+ The chapel visit followed by a diner invitation, at Saint-Séverin, with the project stakeholders

+ The art book "Saint-Séverin, une église, une paroisse" (Editions Lacurne)
Pledge without a reward
57 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing