Le musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon à portée de mains!

111 %
11,120€ Pledged out of 10,000€
Don contre don
175 Donations from 4 countries
The Lyon Museum of Fine Arts launches a crowdfunding campaign to deisgn a 3D tactile model of its buildings. Participate to make the museum even more accessible and welcoming for all!
Tax reduction


Charles-Antoine Younan
about 5 years ago
Que la Force de l'Esprit soit toujours avec la création Artistique!
Marie Laplace
about 5 years ago
Pour ne pas oublier l'histoire des l'abbaye des Dames de Saint-Pierre et valoriser l'escalier de Thomas Blanchet.
Marie Laure Eluard Fracasso
over 5 years ago
l'art toujours, l'art pour tous
Christiane Rivoire
over 5 years ago
J'approuve cette initiative
Brigitte Liogier de Sereys
over 5 years ago
Très bonne idée !
Stéphane Degroisse
over 5 years ago
Donnez pour une meilleure accessibilité des lieux culturels en France pour les personnes aveugles. Et quel plaisir pour les enfants et adultes de pouvoir toucher et mieux comprendre le dédale des salles et étages de ce bâtiment superbe mais ô combien complexe pour ne pas s'y perdre ;)


Pledge €5 or more
Or 1.7€ after tax deduction
12 donations
Donate 5 € or more: recieve a huge thank you and a pen
A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken ain the museum.
A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €20 or more
Or 6.8€ after tax deduction
38 donations
Donate 20 € or more: recieve 2 free access pass for the model installation event
2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken ain the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
68 donations
Donate 50€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for an exclusive lecture on the museum history and architecture
2 invitations for an exclusive lecture on the museum history and architecture

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
35 donations
Donate 100€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for a special hands-on tour delivered by an educator and a blind person
2 invitations for a special hands-on tour delivered by an educator and a blind person

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €300 or more
Or 102€ after tax deduction
2 donations
Donate 300€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for a Braille alphabet discovery session
2 invitations for a Braille alphabet discovery session

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Donate 500€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for ‘behind the scene’ meeting with a member of the curatorial team.
2 invitations for ‘behind the scene’ meeting with a member of the curatorial team.

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 340€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Donate 1000 € or more: recieve 2 invitations for an exclusive tour of one our exhibitions leaded by the curator him/herself.
2 invitations for an exclusive tour of one our exhibitions leaded by the curator him/herself.

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €2,500 or more
Or 850€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Donate 2500€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for an exclusive tour of one our exhibitions leaded by the curator him/herself and get mentioned on the donors’ plaque beside the model
2 invitations for an exclusive tour of one our exhibitions leaded by the curator him/herself and get mentioned on the donors’ plaque beside the model.

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge without a reward
19 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing