Le musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon à portée de mains!

111 %
11,120€ Pledged out of 10,000€
Don contre don
175 Donations from 4 countries
The Lyon Museum of Fine Arts launches a crowdfunding campaign to deisgn a 3D tactile model of its buildings. Participate to make the museum even more accessible and welcoming for all!
Tax reduction


Isabelle Boivin
about 5 years ago
Tres fière de pouvoir contribuer à cette belle réalisation ...
Florence Petit
about 5 years ago
je félicite cette intitiative du Musée des Beaux arts et suis heureuse de pouvoir un peu contribuer à ce beau projet humaniste.
Bénédicte Allee
about 5 years ago
Merci pour ce beau projet !
Francois van Thienen
about 5 years ago
Ma modeste contribution pour faciliter l'accès à la connaissance.
Img 8083 visage
about 5 years ago
Le bonheur est d'être solidaire sur des gestes collectifs directs.
Jean-Dominique Pigeon
about 5 years ago
Je suis déficient visuel de naissance mais j'ai gardé un petit dixième qui me permet d être autonome, cependant je pense que la réalisation de cette maquette est indispensable pour les non voyants.
Séverine Carl
about 5 years ago
Continuer à transmettre, partager et faire rêver tout un chacun. Merci pour ce magnifique projet.
Pascal Merlin
about 5 years ago
Un petit geste pour cette grande cause qu'est l'accès pour tous au Musée
Reza Gauvin
about 5 years ago
Çar l'art doit être l'affaire de tous et accessible à tous
Manolis Bibilis
about 5 years ago
Merci pour cet espace de vie.


Pledge €5 or more
Or 1.7€ after tax deduction
12 donations
Donate 5 € or more: recieve a huge thank you and a pen
A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken ain the museum.
A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €20 or more
Or 6.8€ after tax deduction
38 donations
Donate 20 € or more: recieve 2 free access pass for the model installation event
2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken ain the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
68 donations
Donate 50€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for an exclusive lecture on the museum history and architecture
2 invitations for an exclusive lecture on the museum history and architecture

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
35 donations
Donate 100€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for a special hands-on tour delivered by an educator and a blind person
2 invitations for a special hands-on tour delivered by an educator and a blind person

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €300 or more
Or 102€ after tax deduction
2 donations
Donate 300€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for a Braille alphabet discovery session
2 invitations for a Braille alphabet discovery session

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Donate 500€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for ‘behind the scene’ meeting with a member of the curatorial team.
2 invitations for ‘behind the scene’ meeting with a member of the curatorial team.

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 340€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Donate 1000 € or more: recieve 2 invitations for an exclusive tour of one our exhibitions leaded by the curator him/herself.
2 invitations for an exclusive tour of one our exhibitions leaded by the curator him/herself.

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge €2,500 or more
Or 850€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Donate 2500€ or more: recieve 2 invitations for an exclusive tour of one our exhibitions leaded by the curator him/herself and get mentioned on the donors’ plaque beside the model
2 invitations for an exclusive tour of one our exhibitions leaded by the curator him/herself and get mentioned on the donors’ plaque beside the model.

2 free access pass for the model installation event

A corporate pen of the museum, to be taken in the museum.

A huge Thank you! The donor’s name will be added to the list on our website (unless you refuse it).
Pledge without a reward
19 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing