Notre-Dame de Paris, je t'aime !

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100,532€ Pledged out of 100,000€
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1997 Donations from 58 countries
Monday, April 15, 2019, the cathedral Notre-Dame of Paris is ravaged by a fire. The spire and much of the roof have collapsed. Dartagnans is calling on the entire world to pledge their support.


Eva Berard
over 5 years ago
Vive Notre Dame
James Galvin
over 5 years ago
Notre-Dame de Paris renaîtra de ses cendres, plus forte que jamais, avec la technologie et le savoir-faire d'aujourd'hui. C’était un spectacle horrible que c’était hier, mais à partir de maintenant, le véritable courage du peuple parisien et tous ces assistants de plus loin rendront Notre-Dame encore meilleure pendant encore de nombreux siècles. Bonne chance à tous ceux qui ont participé à la restauration! Notre-Dame de Paris will rise from the ashes, stronger than ever, with today's technology and craftsmanship. A horrific sight it was yesterday, but onwards and upwards, the true grit of the people of Paris and all those helpers from further afield will make Notre-Dame better again for many more hundreds of years to come. Good luck to all those involved in the restoration!
Natasha Rose
over 5 years ago
My heart broke as I watched the images of the fire raging inside of Notre Dame. A place that I had the pleasure of visiting two years ago. I hope this little bit will help for now
Stéphanie Lioré
over 5 years ago
Parce que Notre Dame ne meurt jamais ♥
Catherine Mercier
over 5 years ago
Pour Notre Dame de Paris
James Stroup
over 5 years ago
So many fond memories visiting France, Notre Dame, and the great people that live there.
Shu Chen
over 5 years ago
all the best to mankind
Img 2368
Mark Anthony Arceno
over 5 years ago
May the heart of Paris continue to beat alongside all who support it both near and far!
Enola Faillon
over 5 years ago
Cette cathédrale est une grande partie de notre culture mais aussi de notre pays et c’est dans ces moments qu’il faut être unis
Nouria Zerguit
over 5 years ago
Union force et réussite pour NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS.


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