Notre-Dame de Paris, je t'aime !

101 %
100,532€ Pledged out of 100,000€
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1997 Donations from 58 countries
Monday, April 15, 2019, the cathedral Notre-Dame of Paris is ravaged by a fire. The spire and much of the roof have collapsed. Dartagnans is calling on the entire world to pledge their support.


Avatar carole theas laban
Carole Theas-Laban
over 5 years ago
Trop triste et une vive émotion face à ce drame. C'est tout à fait normal de participer au sauvetage de Notre Dame de Paris. Nous devons tous être solidaires pour la reconstruction de notre cathédrale.
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Mathieu Guéry
over 5 years ago
Nous devons tous sauver notre patrimoine.
Emmanuelle Doniès
over 5 years ago
Une petite pierre pour aider à reconstruire Notre-Dame 🧡
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Faucheux Enterprises
over 5 years ago
Such a loss!
Img 1994
over 5 years ago
Sauvons ce chef d’oeuvre de notre patrimoine mondial, en mémoire de nos ancêtres qui l’ont bâti, de notre belle culture et de notre grande histoire.
Rich Brown
over 5 years ago
Desperately sad - so much history and beauty but well done putting this crowdfunder together so quickly. I hope it raises an enormous amount.
Immagine profilo
Marone Valerio
over 5 years ago
I'm an italian citizen but I'm a European citizen first. I'm sure you would have done the same for us, don't give up.
Maarten Van 't Hof
over 5 years ago
everything helps......
John Pentony
over 5 years ago
So heartbreaking to see this devastation. I just so hope that the small amount I pledge can be of some use in the rebuilding of Notre-Damez
Heather Diehl
over 5 years ago
envoyer mon amour aux parisiens


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