La Chapelle de la Vierge de Notre-Dame-de-Lorette

176 %
52,765€ Pledged out of 30,000€
Don contre don
354 Donations from 4 countries
Restore the unique decor of the Chapel of the Virgin Mary to its former glory. Church of Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, Paris.


Notre-Dame-de-Lorette church was built in 1823 according to the plans of the architect Hippolyte Lebas. Its severe exterior, inspired by Roman basilicas, does not reveal the surprising richness of its interior decoration which, under the gilded coffered ceiling, houses a real museum of Romantic painting.

The Chapel of the Litanies of the Virgin Mary, also known as the Marriage Chapel, is one of four large chapels decorated with compositions painted on the wall. Decorated in bright colours in a style that borrows from the art of the Italian masters of the Fra Angelico era, it bears witness to the great return of mural painting during the Restoration and Louis-Philippe periods.

This decor was designed by Victor Orsel. Begun in 1836, it was completed in 1854 by Alphonse Périn, friend and disciple of the master, who at the same time worked on the decoration of the chapel opposite it. From the ground to the dome, it deploys an exceptional set of narrative scenes, compositions with complex symbolism and plant motifs. The whole is painted not according to the technique of fresco, but with wax, following the example of some antique decorations, a process that is then the subject of passionate research.

(c) City of Paris, COARC, Jean-Marc Moser


Tarnished by time, degraded in places as a result of water infiltration - now fixed -, the decorations of the Chapel of the Virgin need major restoration. This is undertaken by the City of Paris, under the supervision of the Conservation des Œuvres d'Art Civiles et Religieuses (COARC). Scaffolding is in place; restorers are at work. Work on the dome and pendants is nearing completion. 

The crowdfunding campaign is organised as part of the "Save our monuments" campaign launched by Le Parisien in partnership with the start-up Dartagnans and the Île-de-France Region offers a unique opportunity to quickly complete this ambitious programme, by treating the walls in the same way as the work on the upper parts. 

After the spectacular restoration of the Baptismal Chapel in 2016, this operation will restore the original splendour of one of the most beautiful wall decorations of an emblematic monument in the New Athens district, on the slopes of the Montmartre hill.

Independent restorers work in groups for this project around Mélinée Miguirditchian. After the urgent intervention on the parts unsticked  by water, they work on the dusting and cleaning of paints, the removal of yellowed varnishes, guided by scientific analyses on samples.

For this project, they can rely on quite exceptional documents. Indeed, Victor Orsel meticulously designed this decoration, creating a model that has now disappeared, but also large life-size preparatory drawings, which are kept in Paris (Musée du Louvre and Musée du Petit-Palais), in Lyon and in Madrid (Musée du Prado). Their study makes it possible to propose faithful restitutions.

  (c) City of Paris - COARC - Jean-Marc Moser

(c) City of Paris - COARC - Jean-Marc Moser


Your donations contribute to the completion of the restoration of the entire Chapel of the Virgin Mary, alongside the City of Paris and the Fondation Avenir du Patrimoine in Paris. 

The first phase of the project is financed entirely by the City of Paris. The second phase is estimated at 250 000 € (wall decorations, sculptures...). As far as restorers of wall paintings are concerned, this still represents 3500 hours of work, i.e. 500 hours for 7 restorers

15,000 € can finance 300 hours of work for a restorer. The larger the collection, the longer the conservators will be able to continue their work on site.

The Fondation Avenir du Patrimoine in Paris will contribute to the collection of participatory financing thanks to the generosity of its regular donors. 

The Île-de-France Region will provide additional funding of 20% of the total amount collected. 

We need each one of you to achieve this worksite. Together, let us give back its splendor to the chapel of the Virgin Mary.



Under the aegis of the Fondation Notre-Dame, the Fondation Avenir du Patrimoine in Paris was created in 2014 to accelerate the restoration of historic churches and their masterpieces, thanks to the generosity of donors. In trust with the City of Paris, it aims, through its financial support, to provide and therefore develop the community's resources devoted to the restoration projects undertaken. The Fondation Avenir du Patrimoine in Paris has a strong territorial base in Paris, through its network of active volunteers for the preservation of the heritage of a district.

For the Notre-Dame de Lorette project, the Fondation Avenir du Patrimoine in Paris collaborates more particularly with the Association de Sauvegarde de l'église Notre-Dame de Lorette.


You can support this project:

- by an online donation by credit card on this page after registration on the Dartagnans website

- by a bank transfer after registration on the Dartagnans website

Only for donations in euros: by sending a cheque, on the back of which you will indicate your e-mail address, made out to the following order "Fondation Avenir Patrimoine", sent to the following address:


Campaign Notre Dame de Lorette

1 rue de Châteaudun

75009 PARIS





Thanks to you and each of our donors, the Chapel of the Virgin Mary will be able to regain its splendour. Thank you! Thank you!

E-mail   : [email protected]

Website : www.fondationavenirpatrimoinep...

Adress : Fondation Avenir du Patrimoine à Paris, 10 rue du Cloître Notre-Dame, 75004 Paris


Pledge €25 or more
Or 8.5€ after tax deduction
53 donations
For 25€ donation (and more)
- A big thank you!
- Your name or one of your choice placed in the restored Chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Postcard of a detail of the restored chapel of the Virgin Mary
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
95 donations
For 50€ donation (and more)
- A big thank you!
- Your name or one of your choice placed in the restored Chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Postcard of a detail of the restored chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Guide of Notre-Dame de Lorette (published by the Association de Sauvegarde de l'église Notre-Dame-de Lorette), within the limits of available stocks (french version)
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
89 donations
For a 100€ donation (and more)
- A big thank you!
- Your name or one of your choice placed in the restored Chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Postcard of a detail of the restored chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Guide of Notre-Dame de Lorette (published by the Association de Sauvegarde de l'église Notre-Dame-de Lorette), within the limits of available stocks (french version)
- Invitation at a conference on the Notre-Dame-de-Lorette church with an art historian
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
33 donations
For a 250€ donation (and more)
- A big thank you!
- Your name or one of your choice placed in the restored Chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Postcard of a detail of the restored chapel of the Virgin Mary for
- Guide of Notre-Dame de Lorette (published by the Association de Sauvegarde de l'église Notre-Dame-de Lorette), within the limits of available stocks (French version)
- A private and exclusive visit of the church with an art historian (subject to availability)
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
21 donations
For a 500€ donation (and more)
- A big thank you!
- Your name or one of your choice placed in the restored Chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Postcard of a detail of the restored chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Guide of Notre-Dame de Lorette (published by the Association de Sauvegarde de l'église Notre-Dame-de Lorette), within the limits of available stocks (french version)

- A visit to the church with candles : exclusive meeting with an art historian and the stakeholders of the project (max. 30 places)
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
4 donations
For a 999€ donation (and more)
- A big thank you!
- Your name or one of your choice placed in the restored Chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Postcard of a detail of the restored chapel of the Virgin Mary
- Guide of Notre-Dame de Lorette (published by the Association de Sauvegarde de l'église Notre-Dame-de Lorette), within the limits of available stocks (french version)
- A visit to the church with candles: exclusive meeting with an art historian and the stakeholders of the project (max. 30 places)

- The art book "Paris et ses Eglises, du Grand Siècle aux Lumières" - Editions Picard, within the limits of available stocks (french version)
Pledge €2,500 or more
Or 850€ after tax deduction
0 donation
For a 2500€ donation (and more)
Custom counterpart
Pledge without a reward
59 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing