Restauration d'une harpe fin 18ème

102 %
6,640€ Pledged out of 6,500€
Don contre don
59 Donations from 5 countries
Restoration and re-enactment of a harp by Jean-Henri Naderman, constructed in Paris at the end of the 18th century.


Sarah Porritt
over 5 years ago
Good luck with the restoration. Sarah Staniforth, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Delphine Bieules
over 5 years ago
Pour l'amour de la harpe!
Jean-Baptiste du Closel
over 5 years ago
Sauver le patrimoine, c'est sauver notre histoire, et donc contribuer à sauver notre futur :)
Eliane Barbat du Closel
almost 6 years ago
Très dommage que Lili Laskine n'ait pas connu Marie-Antoinette !
Carine Chevron
almost 6 years ago
Très belle harpe n'hésitez pas a faire un geste pour la restauration
B-EST communication
almost 6 years ago
bravo pour ce beau projet, sauvons notre patrimoine
Eveline Reversat
almost 6 years ago
Je me réjouis énormément de voir cette petite merveille une fois qu'elle aura été restaurée.
almost 6 years ago
Félicitations pour ce projet exceptionnel
almost 6 years ago
Superbe projet !
Monique Hanley Fourrage
almost 6 years ago
Beau projet plein d'avenir pour le plaisir des musiciens et des amoureux de la musique!


Pledge €10 or more
2 donations
Do: A big thank you
A picture of the harp
Pledge €20 or more
11 donations
Re: On with the music!
A tote bag with a score by F.J. NADERMAN printed on it
Pledge €30 or more
6 donations
Mi: Burgundy in the air….
A visit for two to Nolay, the town of Lazare Carnot
An opportunity to see the restored harp
Date to be announced in 2020 once the harp is restored
Pledge €50 or more
13 donations
Fa: Do you know music?
A conference on French musicians of the revolution
Presentation of the restored harp
Date to be set in 2020 once the harp is restored
Pledge €100 or more
13 donations
Sol: Scales…
Two places for the inaugural concert given with the restored harp, followed by a cocktail reception
Date to be set in 2020 once the harp is restored.
Pledge €250 or more
4 donations
La: And more scales!
Two places for the inaugural concert given with the restored harp and visit to a château in Burgundy.

Date to be set in 2020 once the harp is restored
Pledge €500 or more
5 donations
Si: A haven of peace !
A week-end for 2 in the small house adjacent to the property, where a bottle of Crémant de Bourgogne will await you as you "chill" in a paradise of lush greenery.
A visit to the Château de Germolles, the residence of Philippe le Hardi, Duke of Burgundy, if you are into sightseeing. Otherwise, a traditional visit to wine-cellars. Date to be set at your convenience.
Pledge without a reward
5 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing