Sauver le patrimoine végétal de Rosa Bonheur

176 %
17,646€ Pledged out of 10,000€
Don contre don
128 Donations from 3 countries
Make the Parc de Rosa Bonheur the Giverny of Ile-de-France. This park, closely linked to the painting of Rosa Bonheur, privileged place of creation and inspiration of the artist must be saved to shine again in the residence of the illustrious woman.


Patricia Bouchenot Déchin
almost 4 years ago
"La Dame des jardins"
Florence Castellani
almost 4 years ago
Un lieu, un parc, à préserver, un geste le don, pour soutenir une belle renaissance, grâce à l'entregent, la foi de Katherine Brault. Une belle histoire...
almost 4 years ago
L'arbre c'est la Vie. C'est l'avenir de nos enfants, de nos petits enfants. J. F.
Pascal Lecuyer
almost 4 years ago
Une famille que le talent a choisi, des princesses servantes pour mettre en lumière une vraie artiste féministe, l'amour de sa vie & illuminer nos coeurs.
CLP expertise et conseils
almost 4 years ago
Katherine, je vous apporte ma modeste contribution. Je vous souhaite tout le succès à la hauteur de votre investissement familial. Sophie
Etienne de Galbert
almost 4 years ago
En souvenir de Françoise L., Thomeryonne qui adorait les arts, la culture et la nature.... et qui nous a quitté bien trop tôt! "Pour que ses nuits soient aussi belles que ses jours!"
Isabelle Favret
almost 4 years ago
Un grand merci à vous de mettre le patrimoine français en valeur afin qu'il soit restauré
Charlene Fabbi
almost 4 years ago
Merci de votre travail pour sauver le souvenir et l oeuvre de Rosa Bonheur ainsi que notre patrimoine local A très vite pour une nouvelle visite! Charlene
Maryse Roturier
almost 4 years ago
je reste fidèle à mon musée atelier de coeur depuis ma Charente n'habitant plus près de Thomery.
Michael-John Oliver
almost 4 years ago
Some things deserve to be preserved and worked on.


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
26 donations
A big thank you
A big thank you
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
34 donations (1966 left)
A big thank you! A series of 5 postcards limited edition of the secret places of the gardens of Rosa Bonheur
A big thank you, A series of 5 artistic postcards in limited edition of the secret places of the gardens of the castle of Rosa Bonheur
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
43 donations
A big thank you 2 guided night tours in the Castle Park
Thanks + a guided tour for 2 people in the Park of the Castle of Rosa Bonheur in the light of the lanterns
Pledge €200 or more
Or 68€ after tax deduction
12 donations
A big thank you! A pass for two days for the Festival Rosa Bonheur
Thanks + a pass for two days for the Festival Rosa Bonheur
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
1 donation (79 left)
A big thank you + a rose created by the Maison Guillot for the bicentenary of the birth of Rosa Bonheur
Thanks + Preview a specimen of the rose created by Maison Guillot for the bicentenary of the birth of Rosa Bonheur + an invitation to the official baptism on March 16, 2022
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
7 donations (33 left)
Your name on a bench in the park or gardens of the castle
Thanks + Your donation will be used to restore the benches in the park, your name will be engraved on a brass plate on one of the benches in the emblematic places of the park and gardens
Pledge €3,000 or more
Or 1020€ after tax deduction
0 donation (40 left)
Thanks + an orange tray in your name and vip invitation to the inauguration of the park
Your donation will be used to replace the orange bins on the East and West facades of the castle. Your name on a brass plaque on an orange tray + invitation to the inauguration of the park with concert
Pledge €5,000 or more
Or 1700€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Acknowledgements, a tree in your name, invitation to the opening of the park
Thanks + planting a large tree in your name.. Inscription of your name on a plaque under the tree + 2 invitations to the reception of the official inauguration of the Rosa Bonheur Park for the bicentenary in 2022
Pledge €10,000 or more
Or 3400€ after tax deduction
0 donation (10 left)
The rose garden in your name
Your name is registered at the entrance of the Roseraie, 2 invitations to the official inauguration of the castle park as well as for events related to the bicentenary of Rosa Bonheur in 2022, gala evening with concert...
Pledge without a reward
5 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing