Sauvetage du campanile du château de Walmath

190 %
5,686€ Pledged out of 3,000€
Don contre don
63 Donations from 4 countries
Aidez nous à restaurer le campanile du château de Walmath

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Pledge €20 or more
14 donations
- A nominative thank you on our Facebook page
- A postcard of the Castle
Pledge €50 or more
13 donations
For 50 € or more

- Invitation to the cocktail of the next European Heritage Days with discovery of the progress of the project.
- a name thank you on our Facebook page

For people who can not travel for Heritage Days, a private meeting will be scheduled.
Pledge €100 or more
22 donations
-Invitation to the cocktail of the next European Heritage Days with discovery of the progress of the project.
- The name of the donor engraved directly in the lead of the new campanile that will remain the life of this element (about 250 years) and will be visible for Heritage Days.

+ previous counterparts

For people who can not travel for Heritage Days, a private meeting will be scheduled.
Pledge €500 or more
2 donations
- One night in the suite of the castle (the room of the great oak) for a couple.

+ previous counterparts
Pledge €1,000 or more
0 donation (2 left)
- The tour of Walmath Castle Park by vintage car

+ previous counterparts
Pledge €2,200 or more
0 donation
- The provision of the castle and its park (4 living rooms on the ground floor) for a reception for a weekend.

+ previous counterparts

If the donor is a professional, we propose to add his logo to our communication media.
Pledge €3,000 or more
0 donation
- The provision of the castle and its park (4 living rooms on the ground floor) for a reception for a weekend.
- The provision of its 4 rooms (possibility to accommodate 9 people).

+ previous rewards
Pledge without a reward
12 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing