Sauvez le Pavillon XVIIIe du château de Meung

114 %
14,870€ Pledged out of 13,000€
Don contre don
159 Donations from 5 countries
Sauvetage du Pavillon de Musique XVIIIe du château de Meung sur Loire

Présentation du projet

Le château de Meung sur Loire
Loire Valley

The castle of Meung sur Loire, is an impressive listed monument which was built for the bishops of Orleans in 1209.  It has a very unusual architecture: on the side of the city, it looks like a fortress whereas a classic XVIII century façade overlooks the gardens. This precious and underestimated witness of the past has welcomed famous names of the French History, such as Joan of Arc, King Louis XI and the poet François Villon.

An abandoned castle

In 2010 the castle, in a worrisome state of conservation, is sold to a family. Among the emergencies, there was no sanitation network, the one hectare roof had to be restored, the 1920’s electricity network needed to be changed. Simultaneously, some studies have been conveyed and the museology of the visit has been totally renewed. It’s a major challenge and a huge task for this family passionate about history and legacy

The restoration is in progress and well underway
A VMF (Vieilles Maisons Françaises) price rewarded the restoration of the lead roof of the neo-classic chapel in 2017 and the Michelin has granted the visit with one star.

We move forward!


The Belvedere

Now the castle itself is about to be saved. But in the park, a charming pavilion is in great danger and deserves our attention This Belvedere, built in the 1780s’is one of those little buildings, the ‘folies”, landlords enjoyed so much at that time.

An elegant staircase leads to a terrace overlooking the Loire River. The vaulted hall, which used to be decorated with stuccoes, still resounds with the recitals given by the bishop. A room, underground might have been “laiterie” (a place to taste milk, as the one Marie Antoinette had at the Trianon of Versailles).

This pavilion in its original condition is a good example of the French Style promoted by Mme de Pompadour, a friend of the bishop of Orleans (she had a castle at Menars, located at a few kilometers from Meung sur Loire).


Something has to be done now ! The terrace is leaking, the stones are eroded and the arches are crumbling…

Help to save the belvedere! 

This is why we need your help. First, we have to stop the building subsidence and the stone falls, stabilize and protect it and after that, its restoration will be considered.  

Accès vers la terrasse

How the funds will be used?

Step n°1: to carry out the stabilization and the security of the pavilion (waterproofing of the terrace, supports for the arches, removal of all the deteriorated elements): 13 000€    

What happens if the sum collected is higher?

Step n°2: arches will be fixed, stone cutling for the door frames: 25 000€. Step n°3?: the aedicula and the capping of the terrace can be fixed: 45 000€

The ultimate goal is to restore completely the belvedere which is a highlight of the castle of Meung’s gardens.

Engraving the gardens of the castle of Meung by Campion

A motivated team!

The administrators of the association des Amis du Château de Meung sur Loire

Those last years, numerous volunteers have joined the association les amis du château de Meung. They have greatly supported the owners, helping supervise the activities of the castle and enhance its image. When the castle was bought, in 2010, there were about 12 000 visitors a year, this figure has more than doubled, reaching 30 000 visitors in 2017.

Everyone gathers, to save the Belvedere !

How can you support the project ?

By a gift on line on this page, after registration,,login on

by bank transfer on this page, after registration,,login on

- by sending a cheque payable to  l'association des Amis du Château de Meung sur Loire specify your email adress and send it to:


Campagne Pavillon Meung sur Loire

1, rue de Châteaudun

75009 Paris - France

Thanks Many thanks to those who have supported us these 8 last years:

- DRAC Région Centre Val de Loire

- Mairie de Meung sur Loire

- L’association des Amis du château de Meung sur Loire

- VMF Région Centre

- Les entreprises Vision Plus, Maison Vigery, le Crédit Agricole, ...

- Companies and merchants Vision Plus, Maison Vigery, Crédit Agricole, ...

Our families and all those who helped us by the contribution of their time, expertise, gifts … Thank you !

Keep on following us...


Sur Facebook

Sur Twitter

Sur Instagram :

Les amis du château de Meung : http://www.amis-du-châ

Contact: [email protected]


Pledge €10 or more
19 donations
Ecole buissonnière
Un grand merci à vous sur FB et Instagram !
Pledge €20 or more
44 donations
Bout de choux
Contrepartie précédente
+ 1 médaille de la Monnaie de Paris à l’effigie du château
Pledge €50 or more
32 donations
Clef des champs
Contreparties précédentes
+ 1 pass pour 1 pers au château pendant 1 an
Pledge €75 or more
12 donations
Pot aux roses
Un grand merci à vous sur FB et Instagram
1 médaille de la monnaie de Paris à l’effigie du château
+ 1 pass pour 2 pers au château pendant 1 an

Pledge €100 or more
36 donations
Prunelles des yeux
Un grand merci à vous sur FB et Instagram
+ 1 médaille de la monnaie de Paris à l’effigie du château
+ 1 pass pour 2 pers au château pendant 1 an
+ 1 pot de miel des ruches du château
Pledge €250 or more
6 donations
Aux petits oignons
Un grand merci à vous sur FB et Instagram
+ 1 médaille de la monnaie de Paris à l’effigie du château
+ 1 pass pour 2 pers au château pendant 1 an
+ 2 places pour une visite privée avec les propriétaires et verre de champagne dans la bibliothèque du château
Pledge €500 or more
2 donations
Vignes du seigneur
Un grand merci à vous sur FB et Instagram
+ 1 médaille de la monnaie de Paris à l’effigie du château
+ 1 pass pour 2 pers au château pendant 1 an
+ 2 places pour une visite privée avec les propriétaires et verre de champagne dans la bibliothèque du château
+ 2 invitations à un concert au château de Meung dans le cadre de Barock sur Loire organisé par les amis du château de Meung.
Pledge €1,000 or more
2 donations
Proche du sublime
Contreparties précédentes
+ 10 invitations à un concert privé pour les grands donateurs par l’orchestre Symphonique du Loiret au château de Meung
Pledge €2,500 or more
1 donation
Les parfaits
Contreparties précédentes
+ 20 invitations à un concert privé pour les grands donateurs par l’orchestre Symphonique du Loiret au château de Meung
+ Mise à disposition d'une salle pour réunir vos salariés, clients ou fournisseurs (40 pers.)

Pledge €4,000 or more
0 donation
Les Grands d'Espagne
A définir directement avec les propriétaires, pour une contrepartie qui corresponde à votre entreprise.
Pledge without a reward
5 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing