Venez au secours de la tour de Castelroc

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5,875€ Pledged out of 5,875€
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59 Donations from 3 countries
Help us save the Castelroc Medieval Castle's tower

Castelroc - The castle of La Roque

Located in the heart of the Haut Dadou valley in the Tarn, the Château de La Roque renamed Castelroc by its owners overlooks this small wild valley where the sound of water and the peaceful chirping of birds arouse reverie ...

The play of shadow and light through the stone walls in the midst of this natural vegetation make it an authentic place conducive to wonder.

The history of the castle

To date, the written sources do not allow to date with certainty and precision the construction of the castle. Nevertheless, recent research, field surveys, the first sections of a study of buildings and comparisons made with other sites suggest that the tower was erected between the 11th and 12th century, while the walls of enclosure were built between the twelfth and thirteenth century.

This monument forgotten for 3 centuries and partly hidden by the vegetation could not fall definitely into oblivion. For this reason, a handful of determined volunteers had the ambition and the will to revive this precious monument for our history.

Who are we?

The castle is reborn from the ashes thanks to the association Castelroc in Arifadès, created in 2016 at the initiative of the owners Béatrice and Laurent, passionate about the legends around the medieval castles.

Led by "Pierre de Bretagne", the association brings together volunteers from different and complementary backgrounds: Historians, Tailors, Architects, Artisans, Students, Archaeologists, Engineers, Farmers, Sculptors, Teachers, Graphic Designers ...

All have one thing in common, they are the "addicts of the castle"!

They are thrilled to make an extraordinary discovery, they dream of tales and legends, they love nature and outdoor life, they travel through the ages, history and poetry, they work hard, courage, and vigor.

Castelroc Volunteer Campsite Picnoc Volunteer Castelroc

Chantier Bénévoles Castelroc         Pique-Nique Bénévoles Castelroc

After a first crowdfunding campaign launched on Dartagnans in 2017 and thanks to significant support from Internet users, several sections of a study of buildings have been made.

Conducted by an accredited archaeological firm, this study has already discovered some of the mysteries that holds this site and perform initial restoration work.

Chantier-jeunes Archéologie & Restauration

Currently, the best preserved part is the main tower of the castle, and there are some sections of walls of the enclosure. Having been badly damaged over time, they have benefited from recent crystallisation work.

With its 25 meters high, its two vaulted levels, its loopholes, the tower represents an extraordinary testimony of the defensive architecture of that time. Despite a construction of high quality (recognized by experts), its putting out of water by the roof becomes imperative to save the 2 magnificent vaults that compose it.

So today there is an urgency to stabilize it and make it waterproof, otherwise it will collapse.

Animations & Activités au château

Projet display

Currently, the best preserved part is the main tower of the castle, and there are some sections of walls of the enclosure. Having been badly damaged over time, they have benefited from recent crystallisation work.

With its 25 meters high, its two vaulted levels, its loopholes, the tower represents an extraordinary testimony of the defensive architecture of that time. Despite a construction of high quality (recognized by experts), its putting out of water by the roof becomes imperative to save the 2 magnificent vaults that compose it.

So today there is an urgency to stabilize it and make it waterproof, otherwise it will collapse.


What will the collection be used for?

The first step: 8000 euros - will allow us to crystallize the top of the walls of the tower, as well as to seal the floor. This will remove water infiltration and consolidate the building.

If this goal is achieved:

- Level 2: 16,000 euros - will allow us to create access stairs to the entire tower, so that the public can discover the monument.

- Level 3: 20,000 euros - will allow us to make development enhancements of the tower, namely highlighting the interior, explanation panels, and permanently expose the objects found on the site


Your donations are tax deductible

French donors only

Your donation is tax-deductible because it fulfills the general conditions provided for in Articles 200 and 238 bis of the French Tax Code. At the end of the collection, you will receive a tax receipt allowing you to reduce your tax:

- In particular, you can deduct 66% of your donation up to a limit of 20% of your taxable income.

- Company, all payments to the project allows to benefit from a corporate tax reduction of 60% of the amount of these payments, taken within the limit of 0.5% of the company's C.A.H.

How to support this project?

- by an online donation on this page, after registration and connection on

- by bank transfer, after registration and login on

- by sending a check in euros only (payable to Patrimoine-Environnement), specifying your email address, to the following address:

Dartagnans - Castelroc Campaign

1 rue de Châteaudun 75009 Paris France

Our supports / Press

Thank you to all of our donors ! 


Pledge €20 or more
Or 6.8€ after tax deduction
11 donations (189 left)
Thanks on the Facebook page and invitation to the inauguration of the tower
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
18 donations (182 left)
Previous rewards
+ Sending of an embroidered badge to the colors of the association.
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
19 donations (1 left)
Previous rewards
+ A private tour of the castle for you and your loved ones (up to six people).
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
4 donations (16 left)
Previous rewards
+ a surprise picnic
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
3 donations (17 left)
Previous rewards +
Display your name on a panel created on the site specifically for this purpose.
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 340€ after tax deduction
0 donation (20 left)
Previous rewards
+ Mention of your name or use of your company logo for all communications related to the work and during various events + the book on the history of Castelroc (edition Dec. 2018)
Pledge without a reward
4 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing