Château d'Armentières

100 %
4,370€ Pledged out of 4,370€
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69 Donations from 10 countries
Together, let's save the castle of Armentières !

The castle of Armentières, located almost 2 hours away from Paris, needs you to finance its emergency works for the years 2018 - 2019 ! 

The Castle's Dungeon
The Castle's Dungeon

Specificities and history of the castle

Plan and drawing of the castle (end 19th century)
Plan and drawing of the castle (end 19th century)

The building of the castle began in 1297 with the knights of Armentières. The castle has been extended and renovated during the following centuries. The Grand Logis which is the oldest part of the castle, is 35 meters long and 13 meters wide with at least four towers, one at each corner. A defensive wall on the north of the building was erected in the 14th century.

"La Tour Porte" - The Passage Tower
"La Tour Porte" - The Passage Tower

The Passage Tower was built in the 15th century. With its drawbridge, which does not exist anymore, the Passage Tower was in charge of checking the entrance of the castle.  

In the 16th century, appartments were built in the courtyard. It is nowadays the weakest part of the castle due to the nature of its stones. 

During the 17th century, the castle was rented by the farmer and was not used as a house any longer. Thanks to this, it has not suffered of any destruction during the French Revolution. But because of the lack of maintenance, the castle was very fragile already in the 19th and 20th century. Its corner-towers fell down at the end of the 19th century. During WWI, the castle was a military camp for the French army. Some bullets have been found in the castle. During the war, the roof of the main building was blown away. The castle was then classified in 1921 as a Historical Monument.

The castle of Armentières
The castle of Armentières

On its facade, the castle has two small towers with a stone roof, which is rare for civil architecture. The castle is also original with its stairs within its wall, and its covered way fully covered

Emergency !

Our goal is 18 700 euros. This money will be used to repair the Dungeon's roof and windows and the roof of the small stairtower. The Dungeon is unique for its hourseshoe-shape and its three-level wooden frame, which was re-built thanks to World War I's indemnity. 

The castle needs emergency works. It has been almost 15 years that we have been doing our best to save it. But in 2013, one of the small tower of the facade fell down with two third of the Renaissance facade. 

The facade before and after 2013

The facade before and after 2013

Together, we can make the Dungeon live and not fall down as the facade did! Right now, the rain is already pouring through the broken tiles and on the wooden frame. 

The crowdfunding campaign is meant to finance the works on the Dungeon's roof (almost 15% of the roof has to be changed). If we reach the first step, then we can put a roof on the stairtower, which leads to the Dungeon. If we reach that step we can then put windows on the Dungeon. 

Our goal: Repair the Dungeon's roof, lay a roof on the stairtower, put windows to the Dungeon

The Dungeon and its stairtower
The Dungeon and its stairtower

The Dungeon was built in the 16th century. It contains 3 living floors, plus 1 level half underground, and its remarkable wooden frame built on three levels.

These emergency works are part of a larger work program which aims at the renovation of the Dungeon. This larger program will cost 290 000 €. The French region of Hauts de France and the French department Aisne will pay 70 % of it.  

The damaged roof of the Dungeon

The damaged roof of the Dungeon

Step 1: 6 500 € - Replacement of the damaged tiles of the Dungeon and of the rotten part of the wooden frame 

The three-level wooden frame of the Dungeon
The three-level wooden frame of the Dungeon

Almost 15% of the tiles have to be changed.


  •    - Defoaming: 2 100 € 
  •    - Flashing (2 meters): 200 € TTC
  •    - Reworking on the tiles (ca. 15 % of the roof, ca. 23,16 m²):  4 200 € 

Total step 1:  6 500 € 

Step 2: 12 500 € -  Small roof on the Renaissance Stairtower

The Renaissance Stairtower used to lead to the Dungeon, but it is nowadays in a bad condition.  The purpose of this step is to lay a roof on the stairtower to protect this tower and to make it recover its function.


  • - Sealing system (6,15 m²): 2 000 € 

  • - Gargoyle + stormwater treatment: 2 000 € 

  • - Roof support (0,65m3): 2 000 € 

Total step 2: 6 000 € 

The Renaissance Stairtower before its first emergency work in 2016
The Renaissance Stairtower before its first emergency work in 2016

Step 3: 18 700 € Put windows in the Dungeon (4 big and 3 small)

The last step is to fully close the Dungeon. When we have bought the castle in 2004, the Dungeon was totally open. Pigeons were living in the tower and the wind was destroying the roof. We succeeded in temporarily closing the Dungeon, but it would be better to put real windows instead. 


  • - 4 big windows (1 100 € each): 4 400 € 
  • - 3 small windows (600 € each): 1 800 € 

Total step 3: 6 200 € 

The Dungeon's windows location
The Dungeon's windows location

Our project

The work will go on in 2018 - 2019 and should last 8 months approximatively

We will let you know the latest news on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and per email ;)

The Dungeon in Spring
The Dungeon in Spring

Who are we?

We are the Kerekes family. We bought the castle in 2004. We are passionate by old castles and history and we want to save the castle of Armentières.

The family in 2005 (left) and now
The family in 2005 (left) and now

When we arrived in the castle in 2004, it was fully recovered by lush greenery. Trees were growing within the walls. We had to take care of the vegetation first before having our first renovation works. 

The castle and its vegetation in 2004
The castle and its vegetation in 2004

Some friends are helping us in our task. Alain helps in almost everything. Philippe helps to drive machines and build some wooden structures. Luc helped in putting windows on the Passage Tower.

Alain (left), Marie, François and Philippe (right)
Alain (left), Marie, François and Philippe (right)

A lively castle

The castle is often open to groups: schools, hikers, unions, tourists...  

Le château dans la presse

The Castle in French newspapers

Every year, the castle is open for the European Heritage Days. Marie and François are dressed like middle-ages Lady and Lord and give you a guided tour of the castle. Sophie serves coffee and crepes, some members of the association The Friends of Armentières like Pierre-Georges, Christelle, Rachel, Maryvonne give a tour to the visitors. The "Compagnie du Crépuscule"  re-create in the castle a mercenary camp and offers different activities.

Heritage Days in the newspapers
Heritage Days in the newspapers
The "Compagnie du Crépuscule" during the Heritage Days
The "Compagnie du Crépuscule" during the Heritage Days

An example of work realized since 2004

The Chapel has been restaured and covered in 2017. 

Work on the Chapel (2017)
Work on the Chapel (2017)

Personalities from the castle

Péronne d’Armentières. She was the muse of the poet from Reims Guillaume de Machaut in le Veoir dict.

Jean II Juvénal des Ursins (1388 – 1473) Jean II was the lawyer and chaplain of the French King. He was the bishop of Beauvais right after Pierre Cauchon (the one who judged Joan of Arc). He became bishop of Laon and then archbishop of Reims. He was in charge of the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc.

Louis de Conflans d’Armentières (1711 – 1774). Musketeer at 15 years old en 1726, he fought at the War of succession of Poland, at the War of succession of Austria, and at the Seven Years War. He became marshal of France in 1768.

M. Pellet de Saint Maurice. Owner of the castle in the French TV programm « Chefs-d’œuvre en péril », on ruined monuments.

Jean II Juvénal des Ursins (left), Louis de Conflans d'Armentières (right)
Jean II Juvénal des Ursins (left), Louis de Conflans d'Armentières (right)

They are already supporting us


DRAC des Hauts de France


Département de l'Aisne

Thank you!

Thank you in advance for your gifts and sharing ! 

We hope to see you soon in the castle ! 

Follow us on social networks!

Our email address: [email protected]


Pledge €10 or more
5 donations
You will be warmly personally thanked on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter pages and on our blog.
Pledge €20 or more
26 donations
You will receive a personal paper diploma. You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €30 or more
4 donations
You will have a bracelet with the castle's logo. You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €50 or more
12 donations
Knight / Lady
You will have a tote bag with the castle's logo. You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €100 or more
16 donations
Baron / Baroness
Your name will be written on a big plate that will be hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €150 or more
1 donation
Viscount / Viscountess
Your name will be written with an indelible pen on one of the new tiles of the Dungeon.
Your name will be written on the collective plate hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €200 or more
0 donation
Count / Countess
You will have a private private tour of the castle with a visit of the works and a friendly glass of wine with the landlord of the castle.
Your name will be written on the collective plate hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
Pledge €250 or more
1 donation
Marquis / Marquise
Invitation for 2 persons for the inauguration ceremony.
Your name will be written on the collective plate hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €300 or more
0 donation
Duke / Duchess
You will spend one full day at the castle with a tour with the landlord and a meal freshly cooked by the landlord's family with local products.
You will be invited to the inauguration ceremony.
Your name will be written on the collective plate hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €500 or more
2 donations
Prince / Princess
You will receive an individual and personal metal plate.
You will be invited to the inauguration ceremony.
Your name will be written on the collective plate hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €1,000 or more
0 donation
King / Queen
You will be part of the Gallery of the Donors that will be created in the stairtower. You will have a plate with your name and biography that will be hung.
You will be invited to the inauguration ceremony.
Your name will be written on the collective plate hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €1,500 or more
0 donation
Event Team
You can organize a private open-air event at the castle for approximatively 30 guests! Do not hesitate to contact us for more information ([email protected])!
You will be part of the Gallery of the Donors.
You will be invited to the inauguration ceremony.
Your name will be written on the collective plate hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge €1,500 or more
0 donation
Enterprise Team
You will have the possibility to make your advertising at the castle and through our social networks for one year. Contact us to discuss on more benefits you could have ([email protected])!
You will be part of the Gallery of the Donors.
You will be invited to the inauguration ceremony.
Your name will be written on the collective plate hung in the Dungeon.
You will be warmly thanked on our social network pages.
You will also have a tour for 2 persons in the castle with the landlord!
Pledge without a reward
2 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing