Dessinons le Nouveau Musée Des Tissus

330 %
165,184€ Pledged out of 50,000€
Don contre don
1544 Donations from 25 countries
Let's draw together the new Musée des Tissus et des Arts décoratifs of Lyon


Jean-Paul Cheno
almost 7 years ago
je souhaite apporter ma modeste contribution à ce beau projet Lyonnais
Myriam Herbst
almost 7 years ago
Je garde un grand souvenir d'une expo sur le rouge à lèvres au musée des tissus et bien sûr la collection permanente est un joyau...
Paliard Caroline
almost 7 years ago
Un musée unique au monde. Une perle au sein de Lyon, à mettre en valeur au moins autant que le musée des confluences.
almost 7 years ago
Splendide réalisation à mettre au bénéfice de cette région. Elle met en valeur l'histoire si originale du dynamisme industriel de Lyon et sa région, et le talent des artistes qui l'ont accompagné. Elle doit être soutenue pour ces raisons et pour le plaisir et la culture des visiteurs.
Christophe & Tine Zedde
almost 7 years ago
Merci à Pierric CHALVIN de nous permettre d'apporter notre modeste contribution à cette magnifique initiative
Marylène Eyral
almost 7 years ago
Pour que continuent de vivre ce merveilleux musée des tissu et la mémoire des canuts.
Philippe Dufer
almost 7 years ago
Les collections de ce musée sont une merveille et Lyon et la Région se doivent de tout faire pour les pérenniser.
Olivier Albert
almost 7 years ago
Heureux de pouvoir soutenir le développement d un de nos fleurons culturel local. Hâte de voir le résultat des transformations.
Thierry de Vita
almost 7 years ago
Bravo pour la mobilisation de tous. C'est une belle oeuvre qui doit s'accomplir pour offrir aux générations futures ce trésor du patrimoine culturel français et maintenir tout en haut le savoir faire exceptionnel de notre ville et de notre région.
Pellerin Patrick
almost 7 years ago
Pour soutenir un projet qui participe au rayonnement de la Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes en ce qu'il concerne non seulement la soie mais le textile au sens large (Dentelles, guimperies...)


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
218 donations
A huge thank you
+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €30 or more
520 donations
1 admission to the museum
+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ 1 luggage tag with a reproduction of the Museum to be collected on site

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €80 or more
Or 27.2€ after tax deduction
206 donations
2 placemats with a reproduction of the museum
2 placemats with a reproduction of the Museum to be collected on site

+ 1 admission to the museum

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €120 or more
Or 40.8€ after tax deduction
335 donations
Contributors reception + Donors wall
+ 1 invitation to the Museum's contributors reception with a guided tour with a speaker and welcome with a glass of champagne (within a group- the dates will be specified later on).

+ 1 luggage tag with a reproduction of the Museum to be collected on site.

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall.

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
55 donations
Étoffe en soie du Musée des Tissus
+ 1 Silk stole made in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to be collected at the museum.

+ 1 admission to the museum

+ 1 luggage tag with a reproduction of the Museum to be collected on site

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
45 donations
Silk stole + invitation to the contributors reception
1 Silk stole made in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to be collected at the museum.

+ 1 invitation to the Museum's contributors reception with a guided tour with a speaker and welcome with a glass of champagne (within a group - the dates will be specified later on)

+ 1 placemat with a reproduction of the Museum to to be collected on site

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 369.7€ after tax deduction
21 donations
Guided tour and lunch for 2
A guided tour for 2 during the day with a speaker followed by a lunch at the restaurant "Thomas" with the speaker (group of 18 people - the dates will be specified later on)

+ 1 Silk stole made in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to be collected at the museum
+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €2,500 or more
Or 850€ after tax deduction
2 donations
Business Pack 1
Guided tour for 19 people with a speaker followed by a cocktail

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €5,000 or more
Or 1700€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Business Pack 2
Guided tour for 19 people with a speaker followed by a dinner at the restaurant "Thomas", near the Museum

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks
Pledge €10,000 or more
Or 3400€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Business Pack 3
Guided tour for 10 people with a speaker followed by a lunch or dinner at the restaurant "La Mère Brazier"

+ 100 museums admissions

+ Registration to the draw for the petitioners donors to try to win a lunch with Stéphane Bern !

+ The donors' wall

+ Acknowledgement on the social networks

Pledge without a reward
140 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing