Devenez mécènes du salon Mirabilia Lyon

111 %
5,530€ Pledged out of 5,000€
Don contre don
79 Donations from 2 countries
- The Lyon Mirabilia Art Fair, a new scene of artistic excellence in arts and crafts, decorative arts and artistic photography. Become sponsors of the Lyon Mirabilia Art Fair !

 Become sponsors of the Lyon Mirabilia Art Fair


  We have initiated Mirabilia Lyon to reveal the value of the art pieces by the means of a large art fair, to show the beauty and variety of present-day art production, born from the intelligence of the hand as well as from the skills and emotional contents. We also hope to restore this mysterious urge emerging from heart and mind, which feeds artistic features and makes light spring up suddenly out of matter as well as pleasure to be shared by all.

  Mirabilia Lyon means to be a « manifesto » for art as a superior expression of human mind and emotions. Mirabilia Lyon will also be, by its roots in local life,and its national and regional openings , a chance to boost the artistic scene in Lyon and an major element to rebuild the regional artistic life .

  Mirabilia Lyon, a new artistic scene, is the result of a collective brainstorming between the founding members elected to the Board of Directors, all of them volunteeers and enchanted by today’s creativity.

  We would like to gather art lovers around this small circle of volunteers, passionately fond of « sustainable » beauty. They will have a chance to express their complicity and their support thanks to the crowdfunding system we have set up.

  The first exhibition of the biennial Art Fair is to open from April 26th to May 1st 2022. It will offer the artists the opportunity to sell their works to a large public. All types of art pieces will be on show such as ceramics, textiles, photography, wickerwork, inlaid pieces and unique pieces of jewelry.


Selected artists in glassblowing, wickerwork ,weaving, artistic photography, ceramics and silver jewelry will show their work.


Antoine HAULOTTE  Financial manager

Florence CORBI   In charge of ceramics

Pauline FUENTES-VALENZUELA in charge of artistic photography

Gilles CORBI  Secretary and Vice-Chairman

Pierre SOUCHAUD  Art editor and text writer

Sabine FELICIANO   In charge of textiles

Vincent BREED    In charge of glasswork

Françoise SOUCHAUD  Chairwoman 

Nicole DOMINJON, traductor


 More than 250 artistic crafts can be listed in France, grouped in different fields. For Mirabilia, the artist craftsmen will be selected by a jury of experts. All the participants are professionals who create their works in their own workshops. A reasonable contribution will be asked them in order to meet the expenses of setting up and organizing the Art Fair.

 Mirabilia Lyon aims at being an economic event which will give the participants a better exposition to the general public and the opportunity  to develop their professional network and to sell their art pieces.

 By bringing together various forms of artistic expressions, Mirabilia Lyon will support about forty artists and hopes to attract and welcome the well-informed local or regional art-lovers, the uninitiated general public and tourists visiting the city.

 Close to Italy and Switzerland, Lyon is internationally known for its Festival of Lights and the SIRHA : an international and national fair about gastronomy. The Nights of Fourvière, a great music and theatre summer festival, housed in the Roman amphitheatres and, last but not least, the Lumière Film Festival are other outstanding and popular events.

 It can be assumed that the DNA of the Art Fair can complete this great list of outstanding and very popular events.which contribute to the fame of the city and its region.

 Today Lyon is identified as one of the most involved in culture among European cities. It is the third biggest city in France whereas the Auvergne Rhone-Alpes Region is the second wealthiest region in the country ;

 A large number of art-lovers, art collectors, galleries, famous museums and thriving industries contribute to the economic dynamics of the region.


We pay tribute to the silk industry in Lyon, in close association with Hélène LAGNIEU, an artist from Lyon who created the designs of a silk scarf  90cm/90cm, mythical and poetic creatures of a lost paradise, edited exclusively for the first Mirabilia Art Fair.

 Two thousand years of the history of Lugdunum, capital city of ancient Gaul. Then the period of the silk workshops and trade during the Renaissance.More than 14,000 handlooms were operated in the Saint-Jean district then on the slopes of la Croix-Rousse in the midst of the XIXth century. Incredible colours were used then : Egyptian blue, soft greens of clays dug out of the river Saône and shipped to Lyon on barges.

Hélène Lagnieu

«In its great mystery, the life of an artist is a hazardous voyage but so full of lessons! My boat has led me over the Ocean of Griefs, it chased the old devils. As they had fed me for so long,I was scared they would steal my inspiration. I am still fascinated by the uncanny and today, my world is inhabited by more colourful and,I believe,more pacified creatures. My inspirations spring from mythologies, systems of symbols and Nature. From now on, I let myself be carried by the stream of life and the unexpected with more wisdom, attentive to initiation, my life enchants me and my creation lives on another substratum. At the end of my voyage,I wish I could say: «I have just been born to life».


We have approached the City Council and the Lyon Métropole. Moreover, we have taken on a press attaché, specialized in the fields of regional and national culture and heritage.

( member of the committee individually roused his/her contacts to support this great project ! 


Its object: We hope to collect the total sum of 15,000 euros, raised in three steps.This sum will allow us to finance the first Art Fair  which is planned to take place at the Palais de Bondy in the city centre of Lyon. This building is and has always been a cultural landmark, an outstanding place offering magnificent exhibition rooms, tokens of beauty and collective memory.

First step: Meet the expenses of setting up and organizing the Art Fair: rent of the Palais de Bondy, insurances, security attendants, production of the catalogue dedicated to the artists.

Second step: Finance the production and layout of the website, the flyers, the streamers, the paper and online communication, the press officer and the text translations.

Third step: Pay for the making of the silk scarf and for the artist's design, the Dartagnans's fees and the financial expenses.

          The communication expenses refer to human and technical means used to promote this crowdfunding campaign and secure its success. 

If the fundraising campaign exceeds 15,000 euros

This fundraising campaign is aimed at supporting our objective : discover art workshops necessary to our collective well-being and organize visit of these workshops. If we raise more funds, we will use this sum to pay for the travel expenses of foreign artists and to improve our communication with the regional and national press.


- By making a donation online by credit card on this page after registration on the site Dartagnans

- By bank transfer from the sum of 999 euros after registration on the site Dartagnans For French donators only, by sending a cheque with your e-mail address at the back of the cheque, payable to «Mirabilia Lyon» and sent to the following address:

Campagne {Mirabilia Lyon}
15 rue de Milan

Ils nous soutiennent / Presse

Parutions presse (images à l'appui)
Soutiens institutionnels et/ou privés

[email protected]

Liens réseaux sociaux

Thank you to all our donators ! Keep on supporting us !

Many thanks to our generous donators. You are great! Thanks to you, the Art Fair Mirabilia Lyon will be born to life ! Let us start to exchange with the social networks mentioned below right now.   Thanks again to all of you for your wonderful support and trust and see you soon in Lyon.



Pledge €20 or more
30 donations
Blanc Ivoire
Your name engraved for life on the big book of the sponsors and founding members of the biennial Art Fair and our eternal gratitude for having taken part in the adventure of the first Mirabilia . We hope to meet you in 2022 and thank you « viva voce » on this occasion.

Pledge €50 or more
26 donations
Rose poudré
Blanc ivoire + an invitation for two persons with a personal guided visit of the Art Fair, in the presence of the artists .

Pledge €100 or more
18 donations (82 left)
Jaune fleur de soufre
Blanc ivoire + Rose poudré + a signed copy of the artists catalogue.

Pledge €200 or more
2 donations (18 left)
Blanc ivoire + Rose poudré + Jaune fleur de soufre + visit of the artist glassblower’s workshop Vincent BREED near Lyon ( on appointment with the artist , limited to 20 visitors).

Pledge €250 or more
0 donation (30 left)
Orange tangerine
Blanc ivoire + Rose poudré + Jaune fleur de soufre + Orpiment+ a collector poster signed by Hélène LAGNIEU and specially designed for Mirabilia Lyon, size A1 (59.4/84.1 cm) .
Pledge €350 or more
1 donation (39 left)
Rouge alizarine
Blanc ivoire + Rose poudré + Jaune fleur de soufre + Orpiment + Orange tangerine + a printed silk scarf, 90 X90 cm designed and signed by Hélène LAGNIEU for Mirabilia Lyon 2022.
Pledge €999 or more
0 donation (5 left)
Bleu turquin
Blanc ivoire + Rose poudré + Jaune fleur de soufre + Orpiment + Orange tangerine + Rouge alizarine + an original and unique art work of one of the artists founding members of the Art Fair : Vincent Breed, Pierre Souchaud, Pauline Fuentes Valenzuela, Sabine Feliciano, Florence Corbi. 5 art works
Pledge €2,000 or more
0 donation
Violet zinzolin
Blanc ivoire +Rose poudré +Jaune fleur de soufre + Orpiment + Orange tangerine + Rouge alizarine + a meal for two in a Lyon chef’s restaurant, starred in the Michelin guide-book.

Pledge without a reward
2 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing