Généalogie brodée des rois d'Angleterre

168 %
3,358€ Pledged out of 2,000€
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25 Donations

Genealogy in embroidery of kings of England.

Since my childhood, I have been passionate about History. This passion has driven me to start on studies at university of CAEN, specialised in the medieval period. Simultaneously, I developed a taste for art which made my futur job. I completed this with an art production around the genealogical and artistical subject. 

In 2006, the project "OPUS OCCIDENTALIS" is a monumental embroidery exhibiting the genealogy of dynasties reigned on Europe until the Carolingian period today. This long-term work endeavour begins with the kingdom of France. By successive works, it will present, in the end, all the European royal genealogies. Work has been continued by the kingdom of Britain  to make the new embroidery.

"LEOPARD", the name of this second embroidery, is devoted to the genealogy of kings and queens of England. The embroidery, which will measure nearly 6 meters (19,685 feet) in height and 4 meters (13,1234 feet) in width, will be created during the months of March and April 2019.

A view of the embroidery of the kings and Queens of France realised in 2016 and exhibitioned at

 Royal Castle of Villandry, July 2016

 Royal Castle of Amboise, September 2016

 Castle of Bussy-Rabutin  of the Center of National Monuments, February 2017

If "OPUS OCCIDENTALIS" is written in the tradition of family tree, it offers originality, by her characteristic and extendible monumental, to present an united picture of an  European reality. This monumental characteristic exceeds the strict surroundings of erudition work, giving interest to this art work. In this way, finally presenting itself as visual effect, imerging the public in complexity of the filiation principles.

To complete this project successfully, the textile will appear as an ideal support where it represents big areas and otherwise written in a western tradition.

 With this choice, it must find a adapted graphic system. The arbitrary choice and medieval patterns were done, offering advantage to be adjusted according to the need of a big complex spatial organisation. Medieval patterns are appeared as a graphic system which is best adapted on textile support and with a vegetative character which I would like to give.







What will the amount of the crowdfunding be used for?

The crowdfunding will be used to finance the embroidered genealogy.

All compensations

- Contributions on the website (15 € or more) + previous counterparties.

- Personalised postcard (20 € or more) + previous counterparties.

-  Magnet dedicated to royal genealogy of embroidery (40 € or more) + previous counterparties.

- Poster (50 € or more) + previous counterparties.

- Book "How to present your genealogy ?" (80 € or more) + previous counterparties.

- Book with pictures of the first embroidery (100 or more)  + previous counterparties.

-Your own embroidered family genealogy - Size A3 (200 € or more) + previous counterparties.

If the funding is exceeded...

If the amount is exceeded, the money will be used to make the coat of arms of the British Crown and new patterns in the embroidery. 

To contact us : 

email : [email protected]
réseaux sociaux : https://www.facebook.com/CC-657724834292338/
site internet : http://clementcandon.wixsite.com/cetc

To already Support us :

Manufactury of embroidery in Brest

Press and Newspapers about us :

The Nouvelle République, October 2016

The Bien Public, Février 2017


Pledge €15 or more
0 donation
Remerciements sur le site internet, les réseaux sociaux et sur l'affiche des expositions
Votre nom apparaîtra sur le site internet de l'artiste, ainsi que sur l'affiche lors des futures expositions en tant que généreux donateur pour la réalisation de l'oeuvre.

On the website, your name will appear on the Clément CANDON web page in the contributions section, and the poster of the next exhibitions such as the generous sponsor.

Pledge €20 or more
6 donations
Carte de remerciements dédicacée
Vous recevrez une carte de remerciements personnalisée et dédicacée de la première broderie consacrée aux rois et reines de France + contreparties précédentes.

You will receive, a personal postcard dedicated to royal genealogy of embroidery (Kings and queens of France) taken only for you on the first part of embroidery + previous counterparties.
Pledge €40 or more
4 donations
Vous recevrez un magnet de la première broderie consacrée aux rois et reines de France + contreparties précédentes.

You will receive, a magnet dedicated to royal genealogy of embroidery (Kings and queens of France) taken only for you on the first part of embroidery + previous counterparties.
Pledge €50 or more
2 donations
Vous recevrez un Poster (28,6 X 43,0 cm) avec une image de la première broderie consacrée aux rois et reines de France + contreparties précédentes.

You will receive a Poster (28,6 x 43,9 cm)
with the picture of royal genealogy of embroidery (Kings and queens of France) taken only for you on the first part of embroidery + previous counterparties.
Pledge €80 or more
1 donation
Livre "Comment présenter sa généalogie ?"
Vous recevrez un livre (95 pages) intitulé "Comment présenter sa généalogie" avec une page consacrée à l'artiste + contreparties précédentes.

You will receive a book (95 pages) « How to present his genealogy ? » with a page dedicated by the artist + previous counterparties.
Pledge €100 or more
2 donations
Album-photos de la broderie des rois de France
Vous recevrez un album-photos de la première broderie consacrée aux rois de France + contreparties précédentes.

You will receive a book with pictures of the the first embroidery concerning kings of France + previous counterparties.
Pledge €200 or more
1 donation
Généalogie brodée et personnalisée de votre propre famille
Vous recevrez une généalogie brodée (format A3) de votre famille sur trois générations avec maximum 18 noms + contreparties précédentes.

You will receive, a personal little embroidery (size A3) of your own family with three générations about 18 persons only for you + previous counterparties.
Pledge without a reward
9 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing