Le château d'Havré a besoin de vous !

107 %
21,305€ Pledged out of 20,000€
Don contre don
296 Donations from 9 countries
The volunteers of the Castle of Havré need you to continue the restoration of the Enghien Tower began in 2014. The building licence expires in March 2019: we must absolutely start the work before it expires.


Alain Boehm
about 7 years ago
Tous mes encouragements. Ce patrimoine mérite d'être préservé et doit trouver sa place dans note vie quotidienne
Sarah Libert
about 7 years ago
Petite contribution pour un superbe projet !
Simon Lair-Duee
about 7 years ago
Ayant vécu toute mon enfance et mon adolescence au numéro 1 de la rue du château et dans l'ancienne auberge du château, je ne pouvais pas faire sans participer!
Pascal Descamps
about 7 years ago
un petit coup de pouce pour la dernière ligne droite, vous y êtes presque... Félicitations pour ce projet
Vincent Dogimont
about 7 years ago
Paola Balsamo
Jonathan Darville
about 7 years ago
Bonne continuation dans ce magnifique projet qui met en valeur notre beau village !
Philippe Yannart
about 7 years ago
Je fais ce don en hommage au chanoine Puissant, premier restaurateur du chateau.
Veltri Gabriel
about 7 years ago
J'aime notre village, j'aime le château d'Havré ou j'ai passé toute mon enfance. Je suis,admiratif du projet de nôtre château. Bonne chance aux administrateurs. Tous ensemble.
Lucie Verbeke
about 7 years ago
Je souhaite que vs obteniez les fonds pour restaurer notre beau patrimoine
Martine Marzec
about 7 years ago
Bon succès à l'avenir du château et courage à tous ceux qui mettent la main à la pâte :-)


Pledge €5 or more
15 donations
Thank you for supporting our action
Pledge €10 or more
72 donations
Castle postcard
Pledge €25 or more
75 donations
The gardens
Previous reward + 2 free entrance to the castle gardens (June to September)
Pledge €50 or more
74 donations
Previous reward + 2 free entrance to the castle museums
Pledge €100 or more
30 donations
Private guided tour
Previous reward + private visit of the castle accompanied by a guide with a welcome cocktail
Pledge €250 or more
5 donations
The brewery
Previous reward + 2 tickets for a visit to the St. Feuillien brewery (Le Roeulx – 4,5 miles)
Pledge €500 or more
0 donation
Doudou museum
Previous reward + 2 entries to the Doudou museum (Mons – 4,5 miles), recognized intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO
Pledge €1,000 or more
1 donation
Previous reward + logo / Name on Christmas market entrance panel (3 days - 9000 visitors) + list of donors on the website for 1 year

Business Pack 1: logo / Name on the entrance panel of the Christmas market (3 days - 9000 visitors) + list of donors on the website for 1 year + Private visit of the castle and gardens for staff (up to 30 people) with welcome cocktail
Pledge €2,000 or more
0 donation
Previous reward + invitation to a banquet with the directors of the association

Business Pack 2: logo / Name on the entrance panel of the Christmas market (3 days - 9000 visitors) + list of donors on the website for 1 year + Possibility of organizing a seminar (up to 30 people): breakfast and breaks included guided tour of the castle and gardens
Pledge €3,000 or more
2 donations
Previous reward + logo / name on the panel "donors" in the tower of Enghien

Business Pack 3: logo / Name on the entrance panel of the Christmas market (3 days - 9000 visitors) + list of donors on the website for 1 year + Possibility of organizing a seminar (max 20 people) : welcome coffee, breaks and lunch included guided tour of the castle and gardens + invitation for 2 people at the inauguration cocktail of the Enghien tower
Pledge without a reward
22 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing