Le château d'Havré a besoin de vous !

107 %
21,305€ Pledged out of 20,000€
Don contre don
296 Donations from 9 countries
The volunteers of the Castle of Havré need you to continue the restoration of the Enghien Tower began in 2014. The building licence expires in March 2019: we must absolutely start the work before it expires.


Roger Dulieu
over 6 years ago
soutien à la restauration du chäteau d'Havré
Didier Villers
over 6 years ago
Félicitations pour votre travail.
over 6 years ago
Bonne continuation a tous !
Sophie Vermeulen
over 6 years ago
Don de Mr et Mme Genard ! Bravo pour ce beau projet !
Catherine Hocquet
over 6 years ago
Bravo pour l'investissement réalisé par l'asbl Les Amis du Château d'Havré
Max Richelet
over 6 years ago
Pour la restauration du château des Ducs d'Havré
Famille Vanesse
over 6 years ago
Avec tous nos encouragements pour cette initiative audacieuse.
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Emilie Mayeur
over 6 years ago
Bravo pour cette superbe restauration et pour votre engagement . Après de grands combats , hélas perdus en Belgique, qu il est bon de voir renaître un aussi beau château. Amitiés
Bruno Sohy
over 6 years ago
Bravo pour cette superbe initiative et la conservation de notre patrimoine
Brice du Bois D'Enghien
over 6 years ago
Bravo et bonne continuation


Pledge €5 or more
15 donations
Thank you for supporting our action
Pledge €10 or more
72 donations
Castle postcard
Pledge €25 or more
75 donations
The gardens
Previous reward + 2 free entrance to the castle gardens (June to September)
Pledge €50 or more
74 donations
Previous reward + 2 free entrance to the castle museums
Pledge €100 or more
30 donations
Private guided tour
Previous reward + private visit of the castle accompanied by a guide with a welcome cocktail
Pledge €250 or more
5 donations
The brewery
Previous reward + 2 tickets for a visit to the St. Feuillien brewery (Le Roeulx – 4,5 miles)
Pledge €500 or more
0 donation
Doudou museum
Previous reward + 2 entries to the Doudou museum (Mons – 4,5 miles), recognized intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO
Pledge €1,000 or more
1 donation
Previous reward + logo / Name on Christmas market entrance panel (3 days - 9000 visitors) + list of donors on the website for 1 year

Business Pack 1: logo / Name on the entrance panel of the Christmas market (3 days - 9000 visitors) + list of donors on the website for 1 year + Private visit of the castle and gardens for staff (up to 30 people) with welcome cocktail
Pledge €2,000 or more
0 donation
Previous reward + invitation to a banquet with the directors of the association

Business Pack 2: logo / Name on the entrance panel of the Christmas market (3 days - 9000 visitors) + list of donors on the website for 1 year + Possibility of organizing a seminar (up to 30 people): breakfast and breaks included guided tour of the castle and gardens
Pledge €3,000 or more
2 donations
Previous reward + logo / name on the panel "donors" in the tower of Enghien

Business Pack 3: logo / Name on the entrance panel of the Christmas market (3 days - 9000 visitors) + list of donors on the website for 1 year + Possibility of organizing a seminar (max 20 people) : welcome coffee, breaks and lunch included guided tour of the castle and gardens + invitation for 2 people at the inauguration cocktail of the Enghien tower
Pledge without a reward
22 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing