Les mots ne soignent pas les maux, l'action si !

100 %
1,020€ Pledged out of 1,020€
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30 Donations from 5 countries
The kings of Aragon, Trencavel, Murviel, Spinola and many others made the history of this castle. Do not let this story simply be written on paper. Let's live it by saving and transforming this castle into a museum
Tax reduction

Castle Espic. A dormant treasure.....

 Following our adventures, you will discover some small treasures of the Espic castle. "Archives, polychrome ceilings, murals, architecture", but we know that it hides many other surprises. Murals can already be seen under the plaster and under the old wallpaper that must be removed delicately. This operation can only be performed when the security work is done.  

 Why not tag along with us and participate in this great adventure?

A little history

The castle of Murviel has been established since the eleventh century. Their lords, vassals of Viscounts of Trencavel, are at the center of the conflicts which opposed from the XII ° century the kings of Aragon to the counts of Toulouse. In 1181, the village and its castle are destroyed by Alfonso II, king of Aragon. It is Aymar de Murviel who at the end of the XII ° century rebuilt the castle which a little later will be enclosed with the first houses of the village in more protective fortification.   In 1269, the last of the Trencavel left for the crusades, followed shortly by Saint Louis. It is a time that ends and in 1407, the castle goes to Antoine Aybrand, who takes name and weapons of Murviel.   The new lords will keep this lordship title until the eighteenth century. It is certain that the castle will be marked by their presence.

   Reproduction du médaillon sous forme de dessin réalisé  par Michel Delcausse

The archives do not tell us with certainty about the state of the castle after the wars that marked the middle ages but paintings found on the beams of a ceiling in the castle make us think that there could have been an imposing round tower in the center of the fortress. The analysis of the property deeds of the sixteenth century does not report this but in return this document shows that a castle was still in existence at the time and included its current "east" part.

The Murviel, a small provincial aristocracy, is gaining importance. A viguier of Béziers in 1514, a bishop of Montauban in 1600. Later, Gaspar is mestre of camps of the armies of the king. His son Jean is Knight of Malta. However, this second line will soon die out and Murviel passes to the family of Carrion Nizas and the Italian family Spinola, Marquis d'Arqueta.

Our goal 

The purpose of this campaign is to fund work for the structural work that requires urgent intervention. 

When the fundraising reaches 10.000 € (first step), thanks to you, we will be able to do the most urgent work of securing certain areas in which we would then be able to open to the public.

As it stands, for the moment we can not do this. The castle located in the heart of the village has no garden only an interior courtyard which is not accessible for now or secure for public access.   We will carry out the work without modifying the work, without distorting its heritage elements.    Anchoring of the  of the angle, anchoring of the facade, gutters and descents, proper access scaffolding, perforation of the masonry for staples between 2 m 3 m.  Injection of tor sealing seals to prompt mortar and lime. Repair cracks with lime mortar. Nacelle 20 m, deposit stamping tile, removal of gutters and descents varnished sandstone which will be stored in a secure place for later re-installation.  Roofing, attic Shoring and repairing of under-roof archways, roof reworking,lintel and crack repair.

When the fundraising reaches 15.000 € (second level): We will be able to redo a part of the roof and at the main entrance the repair of the lintel and cracking.

When the fundraising reaches € 22,000 (third tier): We work on restoring the shutters and windows of two rooms in order to open them.

When the fundraising reaches 45 000 € (fourth level): thanks to you, we can start to restore part of the cellar where the big press is located, and remove the old iron curtain. A place that will become welcoming and friendly thereafter to we can organize conferences and even themed days (old trades, etc etc ...)

Aile est du château

Who are we ?

M.V. E Patrimoine is an association that was created in 2015 to enhance the village of Murviel-lès-Béziers, located 15 km from Béziers in the Orb Valley, department of Hérault. The association's first goal is to participate in the restoration and conservation of part of Murviel Castle, in order to promote and enhance its historical past by opening it to the public and by making  it a museum.

Le village, Murviel-lès-Béziers

The building belonging to Madame MARTIN is located at the top of the circular village of Murviel lès Béziers. It is the "east" part of the castle, also probably the oldest. The work recently done inside has among others to clear the old decorations of the main room, painted at the end of the XVII ° century as well as the paintings of the beams of the ceiling. 

The team of the association M.V.E. HERITAGE

Above on this photo: Top left: Christel Richier accountant. Pascal Chabrier president, Véronique Martin owner. Nathalie Périlhou secretary//Top right: Renaud Guiard and Laurence-Gaëlle Darrigade our two young Quebécois, translators.//Bottom left: Jean-Luc Maréchal, draftsman and active member//Down the middle: Gérard d'Alboy, lawyer and history buff active member//Bottom right: Pascale Petrizzelli, author and active member

Journée organisée par l'association ' bol d'air ' où nous avions un stand pour représenter le château 

Quelques acteurs de l'association  
Une journée ' vide-greniers ' organisée par l'association  

Contact us

Here are some links to contact us, to follow our actions for this project or to know all about the historical past of the castle Espic:

Email[email protected]

Social Media:

Facebook Page: Murviel-lès-Béziers Association M V E Patrimoine

Murviel-lès-Béziers Association M V E Patrimoine

Or Facebook Page : Château Espic  Murviel lès Béziers Languedoc-Roussillon, France


Tax-deductible donations

French donors

Your donation is tax-deductible because it fulfils the conditions set out in articles 200 and 238b of the income tax code. At the end of the fund-raiser, you will receive a tax receipt entitling you to a tax reduction:

- Individuals, you can deduct 66% of your donation up to a maximum of 20% of your taxable income.

- Businesses, the totality of donations to the project enables you to benefit from a reduction in business tax of 60% of the amount donated, up to a maximum of 0.5% of the company's pre-tax turnover.

How can you support this project ?

Register, Login, and donate  on this page  www.dartagnans.fr- sur www.dartagnans.fr

- by an online donation on this page

by bank transfer on this page 

- by sending a cheque (made out to Patrimoine-Environnement) to the following address:


Campagne château Espic 

14 rue Crespin du Gast

75011 Paris France

The Press

Photo of the petit journal, article from Karine Caironi 


Pledge €5 or more
Or 1.7€ after tax deduction
3 donations
Aragon Alphonse II
Acknowledgments on the Facebook page and the website of the association Mr. V. E Heritage.
Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
8 donations
Simon de Montfort
Previous counterpart +
Sending a postcard of the castle
Pledge €20 or more
Or 6.8€ after tax deduction
7 donations
Roger Trencavel
Previous rewards +
+ 2 free admission for a visit (as soon as possible, depending on the progress of the work)
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
7 donations
Aymar de Murviel
Previous rewards +
A welcome drink (local wine or soft drink)
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
2 donations
Ademar de Murviel
Previous rewards +
A private tour of the castle for you and your loved ones (up to four people).
Pledge €200 or more
Or 68€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Anne Gabrielle de Murviel
Previous rewards +
2 bottles of organic wine from a regional producer
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Henri de Carrion de Nizas
Previous rewards +
Display your name on the large painting of the castle entrance
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 340€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Marie-Antoinette-Henriette-Gabrielle Spinola
Previous rewards +
Mention your name or use of your company logo for all communications related to the work and during various events.
Pledge €1,500 or more
Or 510€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Jean Baptiste Maréchal
Previous rewards + A dinner, a night and a breakfast for 2 people in a guest house located in Murviel-lès-Béziers
Pledge €2,500 or more
Or 850€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Jean Joachim Espic
Previous rewards + choice of a piece of the castle which will be named in your presence in the name of your choice.
visiting local sites
Pledge €5,000 or more
Or 1700€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Félicie Espic
Big donor and companies
Previous rewards + A cocktail reception for 20 people for the inauguration after the works. You will participate in the validation of the next stages of work by being named "architect of honor"
Pledge without a reward
2 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing