Les mots ne soignent pas les maux, l'action si !

100 %
1,020€ Pledged out of 1,020€
Don contre don
30 Donations from 5 countries
The kings of Aragon, Trencavel, Murviel, Spinola and many others made the history of this castle. Do not let this story simply be written on paper. Let's live it by saving and transforming this castle into a museum
Tax reduction


Jean-Luc Maréchal
about 7 years ago
Juste pour le symbole…
Img 20170520 164309
Emilie Mayeur
about 7 years ago
Un petit geste symbolique, courage! Amitiés Émilie Mayeur
Duval Manuel
about 7 years ago
c'est peut mais j espère que cela pourra quand même vous aider dans votre projet
David Auvin
about 7 years ago
Pour le patrimoine. Amicalement
Valérie Leroy
about 7 years ago
En souhaitant que vôtre but soit atteint. Je vous souhaite bonne chance ainsi qu'aux membres de l'association. Bonne route et qu'une nouvelle page soit écrite.


Pledge €5 or more
Or 1.7€ after tax deduction
3 donations
Aragon Alphonse II
Acknowledgments on the Facebook page and the website of the association Mr. V. E Heritage.
Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
8 donations
Simon de Montfort
Previous counterpart +
Sending a postcard of the castle
Pledge €20 or more
Or 6.8€ after tax deduction
7 donations
Roger Trencavel
Previous rewards +
+ 2 free admission for a visit (as soon as possible, depending on the progress of the work)
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
7 donations
Aymar de Murviel
Previous rewards +
A welcome drink (local wine or soft drink)
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
2 donations
Ademar de Murviel
Previous rewards +
A private tour of the castle for you and your loved ones (up to four people).
Pledge €200 or more
Or 68€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Anne Gabrielle de Murviel
Previous rewards +
2 bottles of organic wine from a regional producer
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Henri de Carrion de Nizas
Previous rewards +
Display your name on the large painting of the castle entrance
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 340€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Marie-Antoinette-Henriette-Gabrielle Spinola
Previous rewards +
Mention your name or use of your company logo for all communications related to the work and during various events.
Pledge €1,500 or more
Or 510€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Jean Baptiste Maréchal
Previous rewards + A dinner, a night and a breakfast for 2 people in a guest house located in Murviel-lès-Béziers
Pledge €2,500 or more
Or 850€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Jean Joachim Espic
Previous rewards + choice of a piece of the castle which will be named in your presence in the name of your choice.
visiting local sites
Pledge €5,000 or more
Or 1700€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Félicie Espic
Big donor and companies
Previous rewards + A cocktail reception for 20 people for the inauguration after the works. You will participate in the validation of the next stages of work by being named "architect of honor"
Pledge without a reward
2 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing