Rendons son toit à la cathédrale d’Alep - Syrie

285 %
28,543€ Pledged out of 10,000€
Don contre don
317 Donations from 19 countries
Help us finance the restoration of the structure of the Maronite cathedral in Aleppo and return to the people, afflicted by years of war, one of the jewels of the city!


Abraham Haskour
over 5 years ago
Si je t’oublie, Alep, que ma main droite se dessèche !
Iwan Kenninck
over 5 years ago
RAP 11! X X X
Pascale Sidi-Brette
over 5 years ago
Michele Rossi
over 5 years ago
Heureux de pouvoir y contribuer aussi
Noël Hanssler
over 5 years ago
Une modeste contribution. Le moins qu'un Français puisse faire pour la Syrie. (veuillez conserver ou offrir le livre de contrepartie à une autre personne, car j'ai déjà trop de lecture en retard :-) )
Vagues dans la mer 1600x900
Andrea di Nicola
over 5 years ago
Amitiés sincères du Luxembourg. Qu Dieu vous protège. Andrea
20181114 165511
Kristopher Pometta
over 5 years ago
My love for Syrian and her children
Adrian Brechbuhl
almost 6 years ago
Que cette l'église retrouve sa beauté et son soutien auprès des habitants
almost 6 years ago
Contribution d'un citoyen dégouté de sa classe politique, en soutien au peuple Syrien, et au Chrétien du Moyen Orient.
Claudine Michel
almost 6 years ago
En communion de cœur avec ces Chrétiens courageux.


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
9 donations
Facebook Thanks
If you pledge 10€, you will be thanked on Facebook with you name, if you want to (our Facebook page has 16,000 followers)
Pledge €20 or more
Or 6.8€ after tax deduction
17 donations
Greeting Card
Receive our Eastern Christians greeting card
Pledge €30 or more
Or 10.2€ after tax deduction
136 donations
Small cross carved in the frame of the Cathedral
Carved in the old frame of the Cathedral by the scouts from Aleppo
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
39 donations
L'Œuvre d'Orient’s official tote bag
Receive our cup in our official tote bag
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
60 donations
Book: "Chrétiens d'Orient : résister sur leurs terres", from Abp. Pascal Gollnisch
It is impossible to understand what Eastern Christians are going through without knowing their long history, their diversity and their particularities. Abp. Pascal Gollnisch, director of l’Œuvre d'Orient, serve in this book as our privileged guide. The future of the Middle East will not be achieved without trying to keep the Christian minorities in their countries, such is the message in this important work, by one of the best French sources on the subject.
Pledge €200 or more
Or 68€ after tax deduction
15 donations
Illustrated book: "Mossoul, Métropole chrétienne dans la plaine de Ninive (1880-1950)"
This exceptional photographic collection is the only witness of the great hours of the cosmopolitan Iraqi metropolis. And remains a remarkable testimony of the rich tradition of the Eastern Churches between the Tigris and the Euphrates in the twentieth century.
Pledge €300 or more
Or 102€ after tax deduction
11 donations
Illustrated book: "Chrétiens d'Orient : Périple au cœur d'un monde menacé" de Vincent Gelot
"I give thanks for these testimonies from the church in the East, a church that has given so many saints, and who is suffering today.” - Pope Francis (testimony from the clandestine book of Vincent Gelot).
From Lebanon to Afghanistan, from Yemen to Egypt, this book tells in unpublished images the incredible odyssey of Vincent Gelot: two years and more than 60,000 km in the heart of the life and martyrdom of Eastern Christians .

Included :
- touching manuscript testimonies;
- sacred songs and prayers recorded in the 22 countries that he crossed (accessible via flashcodes).
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
4 donations
Photograph of the Cathedral
1 photograph of the Cathedral in A3 format
Pledge €1,500 or more
Or 510€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Plaque in the Cathedral
Plaque in the Cathedral Ex voto type "Thanks to + your name" inside the cathedral.
Pledge without a reward
25 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing