Restauration de la Chapelle de Saint Julien

103 %
9,295€ Pledged out of 9,000€
Don contre don
70 Donations from 2 countries
Restoration of painted decorations ans the tabernacle of ST JULIEN chapel


Michèle Mercier
over 5 years ago
Pour la restauration des peintures de la chapelle
Daniel Descoutures
over 5 years ago
sauvegarde du patrimoine religieux de saint julien maumont
Nicole Hottot
over 5 years ago
don pour la chapelle du village de mes ancêtres Escaravage.


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
0 donation
Thank you on our Facebook page
Pledge €20 or more
Or 6.8€ after tax deduction
3 donations
Photo-montage card
Sending photomontage card of the chapel + previous counterpart
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
12 donations
Invitation inauguration
Invitation to the inauguration of the chapel + previous rewards
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
23 donations
Local visit
Invitation to the inauguration of the chapel + 2 entries to the museum of the walnut + previous rewards
Pledge €300 or more
Or 102€ after tax deduction
6 donations
"Discovery" visit
: Invitation to the inauguration of the chapel + 2 entries to the Neanderthal Museum + thank you card
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
4 donations
"Tourist" visit
Invitation to the inauguration of the chapel + 2 entries to the Neanderthal man museum + 2 entries to the castle of Turenne + thank you card
Pledge €1,000 or more
Or 340€ after tax deduction
0 donation
"Prehistoric" visit
Invitation to the inauguration of the chapel + 2 entrances to the Neanderthal man museum + 2 entries to Lascaux 4 + thank you card
Pledge without a reward
22 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing