Restauration des fenêtres du manoir de Padure

100 %
905€ Pledged out of 905€
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28 Donations from 2 countries
Padure manor is a unique 19th century monument. We need help to restore the windows of the dining room which are 180 years old.


The Padurian Manor House is the one of the most beautiful building of classicism architecture in Latvia and therefore it is worth seeing. It keeps original drawings on its walls, all original doors and windows, eight classicist stoves, stairs and floors.
The house was built by a Scottish merchant, John Lewis Balfour, in 1838. The Balfour family lived here until 1921 when the manor was nationalised. In the inter-war period, the manor house housed an agricultural school where girls were taught housekeeping skills. After the Second World War, scientists, specifically agronomists, worked in the manor. At that time, the manor house also had flats and a library.
Since 2007, the manor house has been the private property of Jānis Lazdāns, which established the association "Padures muiža", which organises restoration work in the manor house. So far, seven windows, eight doors, two stoves, an entrance terrace, part of the walls, the manor kitchen, part of the roof have been restored and the first toilets have been installed.
The manor often hosts concerts and cultural events to help raise funds. It is also becoming increasingly popular as a tourist destination.

Presentation of the project

Description of the project

Our project is to restore the two windows in the dining room, which will provide perfect insulation in winter. This will also make the manor house more attractive and cleaner. The windows are the eyes of the house showing its soul.


At the moment the window is in bad condition, the sealant has fallen out and the wind is blowing in. The exterior horizontal parts are crumbling. On the inside, the so-called winter windows are without panes, their metal parts are rusted. The restoration of all the windows would make it possible to continue the restoration work in the dining room, which began with the restoration of the dining room oven and the large entrance door leading to the dining room.

What will the collection be used for ?

Any amount is important because every small step leads to the goal.

The minimum amount is 4250 euros, which will allow us to restore one of the windows.

For 8,500 euros we can restore both windows.

Beyond that amount, 

Planned works

The windows consist of three outer sashes, one upper and two lower. The blackout shutters are in good condition. However, the metal shutters have disappeared, and new ones have to be made. The window sills are currently filled with cracked wooden panels. They have to be dismantled, glued and put back in place. The lower horizontal parts of the outer sash must be thoroughly restored, as they are badly damaged. All details must be cleaned of the old paint layer. The planned restoration work also includes the renewal of the wall coverings near the windows.

The work is planned in 3 stages. First there is the preparation of the inner sash, then the dismantling of the outer sash and finally other work in the area around the window.

The existing wooden parts must be repaired and restored. The window frames will be marked for restoration so as not to confuse their original locations. The window frame will be carefully removed from the jamb and placed in the workshop.

Empty spaces will be closed with temporary plywood. The glass will be removed. Loose and unstable paint layers on the window frame will be removed using a cycle (scraper). Metal parts (hinges) will be removed. They will be heated to facilitate the scraping off of rust and paint, then the hinges will be heated again and immersed in the tar, with the excess being wiped off. Once the tar is dry, the parts will be covered with lead oxide. Lost and severely damaged areas will be prosthetised with a dry and suitable material, taking into account their constructive solution, and profiled. The site of the prosthesis is carried out using planes and hand scissors. Defective pins will be replaced with new ones. Larger cracks will be filled with putty or linseed oil prosthesis, without exaggerating the softness of the surface, as the wood is old and must retain its appearance. For historical glazing, thin glass (3 mm) reinforced with linseed oil putty will be used. For sash painting, the colour should be slightly above the glass putty to prevent moisture from penetrating the putty. The exterior metal parts will be treated with lead oxide.

Initially, the window will be treated with hot linseed oil and turpentine liquid. The linseed oil must be well absorbed by the wood surface, but it must not create a glossy top layer. Then paint with linseed oil. Apply only to a completely dry primer coat. The paint must retain its suppleness, but at the same time it must be sufficiently covering so that it can be painted twice. The second coat may contain 10% more oil. Partly restored according to the findings of Architectural Art Research (AAR).

Who are we?

The association "Padures muiža" brings together the owner of the manor house Jānis Lazdāns and local enthusiasts from the village of Padura. In three years already, 110,000 euros have been invested in restoration and communication work to make the manor house known. Jānis Lazdāns is the president of the Latvian Association of Castles and Manor Houses, member of ICOMOS.

We have already collected donations through Dartagnans and we will finish the project to restore the portico on 1 October. 

How to support this projetc ?

You can support this project:

- by making an online donation by credit card on this page after registering on the Dartagnans website.
- by making a bank transfer after registering on the Dartagnans website.

They support us / Press

We have very strong support from local television Skrunda Tv.

We are also supported by the newspaper "Kurzemnnieks" and the radio "Kurzemes Radio". We are a member of the Latvian Association of Castles, Palaces and Manor Houses, and are supported by the National Heritage Administration, the Municipality of Kuldiga and the State Cultural Capital Foundation (SCCF)


Thank you to all our donators! Keep following us!

Thank you for helping us bring this wonderful building back to life! Come and see it with your own eyes! The names of all the supporters will be put in a capsule and integrated into the base of the column.

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: @Paduremanor

Instagram @Padures_muiza


Padures muiža ir skaistākā klasicisma arhitektūras ēka Latvijā, un tāpēc ir vērts to apskatīt. Uz sienām tas saglabā oriģinālu dizainu, visus oriģinālos logus un durvis, astoņas klasicisma krāsnis, kāpnes un grīdas.

Māju 1838. gadā uzcēla skotu tirgotājs Džons Lūiss Balfūrs. Balfūru ģimene tur dzīvoja līdz 1921. gadam, kad savrupmāja tika nacionalizēta. Starpkaru periodā muižas ēkā atradās lauksaimniecības skola, kurā meitenēm mācīja mājturības tehniku. Pēc Otrā pasaules kara savrupmājā strādāja agronomi un tajā bija ierīkota Lejaskurzemes izmēģinājumu stacija. Tajā laikā savrupmājā bija arī dzīvokļi un bibliotēka.

Kopš 2007. gada savrupmāja ir Jāņa Lazdāna privātīpašums, kurš izveidoja biedrību "Padures muiža", kas savrupmājā organizē restaurācijas darbus. Līdz šim ir atjaunoti septiņi logi, astoņas durvis, divas krāsnis, ieejas terase, daļa sienu, muižas virtuve, daļa jumta, kā arī iekārtota pirmā tualete ar ūdeni. Šogad pateicoties ziedotājiem atjaunots muižas ieejas portiks.

Muižā bieži notiek koncerti un kultūras pasākumi, kas palīdz piesaistīt līdzekļus un veicina kultūras dzīvi. Muiža kļūst arī arvien populārāks kā tūristu galamērķis.

Projekta apraksts

Mēs plānojam  atjaunot divus ēdamistabas logus, kas ziemā ļaus nodrošinās siltumizolāciju. Tas arī padarīs muižu pievilcīgāku un siltāku. Logi ir mājas acis, kas parāda tās dvēseli.


Patreizējais stāvoklis

Pašlaik logi ir sliktā stāvoklī, ķite ir nokritusi un iekšā pūš vējš. Loga deguns ir bojāts. Ziemas logi ir bez stikliem, to metāla daļas ir sarūsējušas. Visu logu atjaunošana ļautu turpināt ēdamistabas atjaunošanu, kas sākās ar ēdamistabas krāsns un lielo ieejas durvju, kas ved uz ēdamistabu, atjaunošanu.


Jebkura summa ir svarīga, jo katrs mazais solis ved uz mērķi.

Minimālā summa ir 4250 eiro, kas ļaus atjaunot vienu no logiem.

Par 8500 eiro mēs varam atjaunot abus logus.


Plānotie darbi


Logi sastāv no trim ārējiem rāmjiem, no kuriem viens ir augšējais un divi apakšējie. Aptumšojošās žalūzijas ir labā stāvoklī. Tomēr metāla slēģi vairs nav, un ir jātaisa jauni. Pašlaik palodzes ir piepildītas ar saplaisājušiem koka paneļiem. Tie ir jāizjauc, jāpielīmē un jānovieto vietā. Ārējās vērtnes apakšējās horizontālās daļas ir rūpīgi jāatjauno, jo tās ir stipri bojātas. Visas detaļas jātīra no vecās krāsas kārtas. Plānotie restaurācijas darbi ietver arī sienas logu atjaunošanu, kas atrodas pie logiem.

Darbi plānoti 3 posmos. Vispirms notiek iekšējās vērtnes sagatavošana, pēc tam ārējās vērtnes demontāža un visbeidzot citi darbi zonā ap logu.

Esošās koka daļas ir jālabo un jāatjauno. Logu rāmji tiks atzīmēti restaurācijai, lai nesajauktu to sākotnējās atrašanās vietas. Loga rāmis tiks uzmanīgi noņemts no aplodas un nogādāti darbnīcā.

Pēc koka detaļu atjaunošanas tās tiks nokrāsotas ar lineļļas krāsu tajā īpašajā zaļgani pelēkajā tonī, kas jau ieguvis “Padures pelēkā” nosaukumu. 


Mēs esam 


Biedrības "Padures  muiža" dalībnieki ir muižas īpašnieks Jānis Lazdāns un  Padures ciema iedzīvotāji un muižas draugi. Trīs gadu laikā muižas kungu mājas restaurācijā jau ir  ieguldīti 100 000 eiro. Jānis Lazdāns ir Latvijas Piļu un muižu asociācijas prezidents un ICOMOS biedrs.  


Pledge €15 or more
10 donations
Memorable postcard
Memorable postcard with acknowledgment of donation, which is also an invitation to tour the manor with the owner.
Pledge €50 or more
5 donations
wo memorable card safeguards with picture of Padure manor + Visit for 2 of the manor
Receive two credit card safeguards with Padure manor logo. Invitation for 2 to tour the manor with the owner.
Pledge €100 or more
0 donation
Wine tasting in manor
Tasting of the Smilškalnu berry wine in manor house with excellent stories about wine creating from wine maker. Enjoy the aura and wines!
Pledge €500 or more
0 donation
Unforgettable stay at manor house with breakfast on terrace
Enjoy unforgettable stay in manor house with beautiful morning with bird songs and breakfast on manor's terrace.
Pledge €999 or more
0 donation
Dinner on terrace of Padure manor for 4 persons
Fantastic evening on garden terrace with food made from old recipe book for manor chefs. Local berry wine from neighbor winery and herbal tea from manor lime trees.
Enjoy romantic in Latvia's countryside!
Picture of donator will be placed on manor's house honor wall.
Pledge without a reward
13 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing