Restauration du jardin du Palais de Grajal

100 %
4,045€ Pledged out of 4,045€
Don contre don
83 Donations from 4 countries
Restoration of the Renaissance Palace historic garden of Grajal de Campos. The garden was called "Garden of Olives" and we would like to plant these trees as they were before, as well as provide the palace with a quality green space.


Diego Suárez Fernández
over 4 years ago
Enhorabuena por la actuación promovida
Rodrigo Canal Arribas
over 4 years ago
No os rindáis nunca.
Amparo de Godos de Prado
over 4 years ago
Angel Espinosa Alvarez
over 4 years ago
la labor que hacéis me parece muy interesante y además el pueblo de Grajal es muy bonito y su palacio y castillo merecen una visita y para rematarlo comer en su restaurante un privilegio. Seguir así. Un saludo. Pilar
Rosario Román
over 4 years ago
Quiero aportar mi granito de arena para este proyecto
Michel Roëre
over 4 years ago
Merci aux bénévoles qui s’impliquent dans cette œuvre de restoration
Eric Caillaux
over 4 years ago
Si pasan por la provincia, ne duden en acercarse a Grajal de Campos. Descubrimos por casualidad el pueblo y sus monumentos.
Mª Esther González Fernández
over 4 years ago
Merece la pena contribuir, el palacio renacentista es una maravilla.
over 4 years ago
Contribuyamos a salvar el patriomonio leonés de los intentos castellanos por abandonarlo o destruirlo. Por León. Por Grajal
María Jesús Rodrigo
over 4 years ago
Gracias por esta iniciativa. Creo que devolver a los jardines su esplendor es devolvérselo también al pueblo y dotarlo de un atractivo más para los que lo disfrutamos habitualmente y de las visitas.


Pledge €5 or more
4 donations
Thank you letter and book mark with the image of Grajal de Campos Palace.
For 5 €, you will have a personalized thank you letter and a book mark with the image of Grajal de Campos Palace
Pledge €10 or more
9 donations
Thank you letter + book mark of the Palace + voucher for a guided tour in the village
Pour 10 €, you will have a personalized thank you letter, a book mark with the image of Grajal de Campos Palace and a voucher for a guided tour in the village of Grajal de Campos; declared Site of Cultural Interest
Pledge €20 or more
26 donations
Thank you letter + voucher for a guided tour in the village + 1 bottle of regional wine
For 20 €, you will have a personalized thank you letter, a voucher for a guided tour in the village of Grajal de Campos (decalred Site of Cultural Interest) and after the visite the guide will offer you a bottle of regional wine.
Pledge €50 or more
18 donations
Private guided tour + 1 bottle of regional wine + a box of traditional cookies
For 50 €, a private guided tour in Grajal de Campos (declared Site of Cultural Interest), after the visite the guide will offer you a bottle of regional wine and a box of traditional cookies.
Pledge without a reward
6 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing

All Gone!

Pledge €100 or more
20 donations (0 left)
The name of the donor engraved on a plaque in the garden and the invitation to the inauguration cocktail.
For 100 € you will have the invitation to the garden inauguration cocktail and the donors name will be engraved on a plaque in the garden.