Retrouvons la mémoire textile de Roubaix

100 %
41,079€ Pledged out of 41,079€
Don contre don
314 Donations from 5 countries
Participate in the restoration of the textile collection of the famous museum La Piscine in Roubaix.


Freddy Henrard
over 3 years ago
Avoir connu la piscine pour s'y baigner dans un cadre exceptionnel et d'en avoir fait ce superbe musée en lui gardant son âme. Bravo et merci pour la culture dans notre région.
Anita Briffeuil
over 3 years ago
Memoire du travail de nos grands parents, conserver leur savoir faire .
over 3 years ago
Part importante d'un si beau musée, la collection mérite vraiment une restauration.
Françoise Pasquet/Louage
over 3 years ago
Une joie de contribuer à cette belle aventure.
Hélène Gimenes
over 3 years ago
Le Passé est dans notre ADN , il faut le préserver pour un meilleur Avenir, l'histoire du tissus en fait partie.
Marie-Luce Cavrois
over 3 years ago
La Piscine, un musée magnifique et passionnant qui retrace l'histoire artistique et industrielle de la ville de Roubaix et du Nord, on a plaisir à y alleret à y retourner.
Romuald Goudeseune
over 3 years ago
Vive le patrimoine textile et la mémoire ouvrière !
Murielle Ghesquiere
over 3 years ago
Très heureuse de contribuer à ce projet
Manuella Schiavoni
over 3 years ago
Il faut préserver au maximum ce qui nous vient de notre passé, c'est notre histoire, il faut en être fier
Fullsizeoutput 1909
over 3 years ago
L'agence SCHINDLER REAL ESTATE, spécialiste de l'immobilier ancien, est fière de pouvoir participer à la sauvegarde de notre patrimoine .


Pledge €10 or more
Or 3.4€ after tax deduction
33 donations
An invitation for 2 people to the Donor Appreciation Evening
Pledge €30 or more
Or 10.2€ after tax deduction
87 donations
A set of postcards from the museum
+ An invitation for 2 people to the donor appreciation evening
+ Acknowledgement on website
Pledge €60 or more
Or 20.4€ after tax deduction
62 donations
1 tote-bag "La Piscine".
+ A set of postcards from the museum
+ An invitation for 2 people to the donor appreciation evening
+ Acknowledgement on website
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
38 donations
+ An entrance to the museum
+ The museum poster
+ A tote-bag "La Piscine".
+ A set of postcards from the museum
+ An invitation for 2 people to the donor appreciation evening
+ Acknowledgement on website
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
49 donations (11 left)
⭐ An exclusive meeting with a restorer ⭐
+ 1 tote-bag " La Piscine "
+ The museum poster
+ A set of postcards from the museum
+ An invitation for 2 people to the donor appreciation evening
+ Acknowledgement on website
Pledge €250 or more
Or 85€ after tax deduction
14 donations
A guided tour of the Tissue Library for 2 persons
+ 1 entrance to the museum
+ The museum poster
+ 1 tote-bag " La Piscine "
+ A set of postcards from the museum
+ An invitation for 2 people to the donor appreciation evening
+ Acknowledgement on website
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
6 donations
An exclusive meeting with a restorer
+ A guided tour of the tissue library for 2 people.
+ 1 entrance to the museum
+ The museum poster
+ 1 tote-bag " La Piscine "
+ A set of postcards from the museum
+ An invitation for 2 people to the donor appreciation evening
+ Acknowledgement on the website and on the Donor screen in the museum lobby
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
0 donation
1 museum catalog
+ An exclusive meeting with a restorer
+ 1 guided tour of the tissue library for 2 persons
+ 1 entrance to the museum
+ The museum poster
+ 1 tote-bag " La Piscine "
+ A set of postcards from the museum
+ An invitation for 2 people to the donor appreciation evening
+ Acknowledgement on the website and on the Donor screen in the museum lobby
Pledge €2,500 or more
Or 850€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Lunch with a member of the conservation team allowing you to ask all the questions you may have.
+ An exclusive meeting with a restorer
+ 1 guided tour of the tissue library for 2 persons
+ 1 entrance to the museum
+ The museum poster
+ 1 tote-bag " La Piscine "
+ A set of postcards from the museum
+ An invitation for 2 people to the donor appreciation evening
+ Acknowledgement on the website and on the Donor screen in the museum lobby
Pledge €5,000 or more
Or 1700€ after tax deduction
1 donation
Very specific, they can be imagined according to your expectations and objectives. Entrance tickets to offer to your collaborators, seminars or private evenings at the museum...
You can contact the sponsorship department of the La Piscine museum to discuss this:
Dounia Mérabet
[email protected]
+ 33 (0) 3 20 69 23 72
Pledge without a reward
23 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing