Sénanque, une abbaye en péril

408 %
81,571€ Pledged out of 20,000€
Don contre don
868 Donations from 23 countries
Due to an imminent peril, the Church of the Sénanque Abbey was closed in an emergency. Structural disorders are threatening the building: this dramatic situation worries specialists who fear the loss of this almost thousand-year-old abbey church.


over 5 years ago
I wish you all the success from Japan. I will always visit you someday.
20160703 bij het bankje in ooijpolder   kopie
Frank Geilleit
over 5 years ago
C'est avec joie que je contribue à la sauvegarde de ce lieu magique.
Gil Burgal-Beguin
over 5 years ago
un des derniers témoignages de l'art roman à protéger absolument!
Miren Alazne Miranda Vicuña
over 5 years ago
Une magnifique abbaye qui mérite d'être conservé au fil des siècles.
Lisa Watada
over 5 years ago
C'est un projet très important
Lenka Zelivska
over 5 years ago
When I saw Abbey for the first time my heart stoped for 2 seconds becouse of the beauty and genius loci of this place. I hope to come once again. Good luck. Vive la France.
Susan Fenton
over 5 years ago
My husband Brendan and I adore this beautiful Abbey and hope this donation can help in the preservation for centuries to come.
Richard Andrews
over 5 years ago
I visited this Abbey in the lavender season many years ago - an experience of international value and which makes an attempt to separate the UK from Europe totally unfathomable -a small gesture of solidarity, an important memory
Romain Lafarguette
over 5 years ago
De tout coeur avec les moines pour préserver leur magnifique abbaye
Justin Jorgensen
over 5 years ago
Sending support from Burbank CA!


Pledge €30 or more
Or 10.2€ after tax deduction
133 donations
An essential oil with Senanque lavender
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge €50 or more
Or 17€ after tax deduction
237 donations
An essential oil with Senanque lavender and lavender soap
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ 1 Senanque lavender soap

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge €100 or more
Or 34€ after tax deduction
224 donations
Essential oil, Senanque lavender soap, visit for 2
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ 1 Senanque lavender soap

+ Visit for 2

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge €500 or more
Or 170€ after tax deduction
19 donations
Essential oil, Senanque lavender soap, visit for 2, numbered magnet
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ 1 Senanque lavender soap

+ Visit for 2

+ numbered magnet with history

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge €999 or more
Or 339.66€ after tax deduction
8 donations
Invitation to the patrons' cocktail
An essential oil with Senanque lavender

+ 1 Senanque lavender soap

+ Historical numbered magnet (not the tile)

+ visit for 2

+ invitation to the patron's cocktail party

+ Registration for the draw to try to win a discovery of the Abbey as close as possible to the life of the monks of Sénanque: a night in the monastery hotel, a guided tour by a monk of Sénanque + an invitation to share their meal at the refectory of the Hotel + a time for exchange.
Pledge without a reward
247 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing