Un toit pour une chaumière

100 %
2,230€ Pledged out of 2,230€
Don contre don
40 Donations
Preserve and restore a french rural house. Let yourserl fall in love with a peaceful thatched cottage with its enchanting garden.


Anne-Marie Corallo-Germanaz
over 5 years ago
Magnifique initiative ! Bravo ! Je t'embrasse. Anne-Marie
Catherine Duhem
over 5 years ago
Bonne chance pour ce projet, bravo pour le jardin !
Sébastien Magand Menga
almost 6 years ago
Un épis de blé c’est la solidarité des grains...
Marie-Pierre Musy
almost 6 years ago
Très beau projet, Céline. Je te soutiens. Tu le fais aussi pour la sauvegarde de notre patrimoine, alors un Grand Merci.
almost 6 years ago
une petite botte pour te mettre a l 'abris


Pledge €5 or more
0 donation
Paille de Riz
A small gesture and a big thank you for your help. Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event.
Pledge €10 or more
2 donations
Paille de Blé
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event and you will receive by mail / or hand-delivered a packet of field flowers to be sown.
Pledge €20 or more
9 donations
Paille de Froment
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event and you will receive by mail / or hand-delivered a 250g jar of honey harvested a few kilometers from the farmhouse.
Pledge €30 or more
5 donations (95 left)
Paille d'Epeautre
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event and you will receive by mail / or hand-delivered a limited edition card created for the occasion by Laurence de Saint Martin engraver
Pledge €50 or more
15 donations
Paille de Lin
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event and you will receive by mail / or hand-delivered, an assortment of local products from Eure et Loir.
Pledge €60 or more
0 donation (60 left)
Paille d'Avoine
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event
Discover and learn how to make a seasonal flower arrangement, everything is provided, duration of the workshop 2 hours.
first available dates:
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Additional details provided later.
Pledge €100 or more
3 donations
Paille d'Orge
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event
You will have an overnight stay with breakfast at the farmhouse.
Pledge €200 or more
3 donations
Paille d'Or
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event
You will have an overnight stay with breakfast at the farmhouse and a welcome basket.
Pledge €350 or more
0 donation
Paille d'Honneur
Animation of a floral art class for a group of 10 people in a company,
duration of 2 hours, flowers and supplies included
Pledge €550 or more
0 donation
Paille de seigle
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event
Treat yourself with a sophisticated floral decoration during your favorite event (inauguration, baptism, engagement)
Subject to conditions, equipment loan included
Pledge €999 or more
0 donation
Paille d'Argent
Thank you for your support,
Your name and surname will appear proudly on the Facebook page of the event
Give yourself a very floral consideration for your wedding by flowering it from the church to the reception hall.
Subject to conditions, equipment loan included
Pledge without a reward
3 donations
Pledge an amount of your choosing